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Position:Home>Philosophy> School BULLYING AND repressed emotions?

Question: School BULLYING AND repressed emotions!?
Do you agree that school bullying can cause the repression of anger, hate and vengeance on most children victims of bulying, and that , later in life, can easily burst into uncontrolled behaviour when they are faced with an extremely annoying situation!?
And do you think that bullying is more prevalent in the Western World!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
As a kid I moved around a lot!. Always being the "new kid" seemed to make my brother and I targets of bullying!. After a while a person has only a few options, bow down and let the bully continue his harrasment, tell the teacher(which really only intensifys the bullies)or fight back!. So I adopted a zero tolerance policy and would take flight as soon as one would threaten me!. As a result I developed a really short fuse which has caused me some trouble as an adult(both legal and personal)

As for bullying abroad I have no IdeaWww@QuestionHome@Com

Any form of abuse will lead to emotional instability due to probably with extreme stress!. It could lead to post traumatic stress syndrome and probably nitghtmares and so on!.

I don't about repressed anger and things like that!.
also I can say about other countries, but I know that some countries like the UK for instance is very bad at dealing with these problems!.

The police do deal with issues such as this!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Definitely!. But I don't think it's more prevalent in the western world; I'd even say that bullying comes naturally; it's children learning to test boundaries within social structures and exert their influence on others!. Unfortunately it's also very damaging to those that are bullied!. It's always gone on, and I think it always will!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It can cause hate , anger or vengeance when parents haven't fulfilled their parental duties , to instill a sense of self-worth in a child so that the school bully ( who is usually being bullied or unloved at home ) doesn't seek them out !.!.knowing who is an easy target !.!.and who is not !.!.and if he does seek them out - to learn not to react or give attention to an antagonizer !. Most of us have been up against a school bully at least once in our lives !.!.and have learned not to feed into being a victim/target by giving bullies the attention the crave!.!.anyway they can get it !. No , I don't think it's more prevalent in the Western World !.Www@QuestionHome@Com

ya ya yah! can not blame those kids who'd transformed themselves into bullies!.!.!.and its probably prevalent in western world because a lot of moms and dads there were too busy making money!.!.!.and they cant do their goddamn jobs of giving their kids enough attention, affection and values formation should have started with the family as it is the basic unit of society!.!.those bullies hardly get attention from their own homes!.!.!.so they get in school!.!.!.end result, our kids became easy prey and it sucks!

bullying is just an outlet for unguided kids!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes bullying causes a feeling a powerlessness that can have negative effects on coping skills and the ability to control emotions!. Bullying is all over the world!. Race and cultures may differ, but basic human nature does not change!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes it can but it also doesn't mean it will!.

you don't see every grown up nerd killing people or getting arrested for anger related problems so!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes I do agreeWww@QuestionHome@Com
