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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you think that nations, throughout history, THAT FAVOURED WAR over diplomacy

Question: Do you think that nations, throughout history, THAT FAVOURED WAR over diplomacy retrogressed quickly!?
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The Romans were loath to go to war, but were not facile at diplomacy because they were agrarian simpletons!. Every time they fought a war they expanded their nation from one tiny cement factory (Rome started out as a quarry,) to one of the largest empires that ever existed!. They never gained an acre of land by diplomacy!. They continued for a thousand years and 1500 in Byzantium!.

The Greeks were an inferior and divided region when Persia tried to swallow them up by diplomacy!. Persian diplomacy failed, but armies conquered Greece, until Alexander won it back, without and ounce of diplomacy!.

14th century France, the golden land, began it's long dismal slide into "diplomacy" resulting in the slow destruction of their power and influence!.

Napoleon and Hitler are examples of easy won easy lost!. But most great empires decay when they devolve to diplomacy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Diplomacy presupposes a lot of factors about the countries that are at odds!.
For one, it assumes that the aggressor does not simply wish to take the other peoples' stuff!. Have you ever heard a diplomat say, "hey, give us all your stuff, and land, and by the way all of your womenfolk, and we can call it a day!."
Aggressor nations (The Arabs, the Huns, the Macedonians, and various Carolingian lords) just have no real use for diplomacy!. They only need wise rule for conquered lands, such as "okay, you can still speak your own language and we will appoint a couple of your guys for local pawns, or leaders"

Nowadays, the countries that everyone would like to negotiate with (Iran, North Korea, Sudan) do not have the capacity for diplomacy!. That is because they are ideologically driven, and saying "hey, stop killing minorities, enslaving your people, and enriching uranium, okay guys!?" Just isn't going to fly!. It just won't work without a fundamental change in how those people think!.

So, in other words, I think that there is NO SUCH THING as a nation that "favors war over diplomacy"!.!.!.!.if diplomacy COULD work, they would use it!. The problem is that it can't work in most situations!. That is why we still have wars and we always will!. Nobody "likes" it or "favors" it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


Look at the mightiest empires in history, and you'll see that they usually just took whatever they wanted!.Www@QuestionHome@Com