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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do words have a life of their own once uttered...?

Question: Do words have a life of their own once uttered!.!.!.!?
as if they don't belong to the person who made that certain statement, but to the listeners and that person can't change anything about it!?

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Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Absolutely!. Sure, you can construct a sentence of words and say them with an intended meaning, but once they have left your lips you have no control over the consequences of them!.
They are free for people to mull over and dwell upon and take them whichever way they choose!.
Some words will hurt people against your will, other can comfort a person beyond belief!. They are so powerful once they are released into the open!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"I know you believe you understand what you thought I said, but I'm not sure you realise that what you heard is not what I meant"
I think that's the way it goes of course I could have misheard it!.
Words & music have a life of there own & can far out live there creator & be used to convey messages they were not origianaly designed for!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i guess they do, even though they are your words that leave your mouth, whoever hears them does what they want with them, you have no choice!. someone could take it the wrong way, an insult, or make something out of them that isnt what you meant!. i guess they have their own life (more like freedom) after spoken, they make people feel different, or better!.!.!.!. they are mystical little things!.!.!.!. thats a tough question, so i hope i helped with my opinion!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They certainly do!. I made a tape recording of my son's final jazz performance in highschool!. His comments before they played still have the power to bring me to tears, even when I listen to it now!.!.!.12 years later!. There's nothing he could do to change that memory in my heart!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes!.!.!.musics life is my soul
therefore the words that are displayed are for all to feel and revel in their emotions!.
once spoken and heard the effects are everlasting they can be duplicated but wont breathe the life of fire as it was felt the first time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Absolutely!. There are words spoken by someone that will stay with you forever, whether the words were negative or positive!. If the words affect you deeply,
most people never forget the way that someone made them feel!.

Have a great day,

Yes and no!. Your words die when you cease form reciting them!. Only me, the listener can keep them alive in my thoughts or in the retelling!. Hurtful words can only continue to hurt if I choose keep those words alive!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

absolutely!. That's why it's important for those doing experiments to define their terms!. Otherwise, the terms could be interpreted as something different!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Always!. Unfortunately, it is often easier to believe the lie than dig out the truth!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Very often!.!.!.!.sometimes!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A word once misused!.!.!.!.will be like a tsunami!Www@QuestionHome@Com
