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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you feel your life would be..?

Question: Do you feel your life would be!.!.!?
Do you feel your life would be more fulfilled if you had more
is it difficult to live with what you have!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
this is one of the toughest questions to answer!.!. if u forget to live today making money for tomorrow then your life is never fulfilled!.!.!. it is not difficult to live with what u have!.!.!. the present matters a lot!.!. money is certainly an important factor!.!.!. the more u have the more opportunities u have!.!. but again it matters on how you spend it!.!.!. how you utilise what u have is the key to life's fulfillmentWww@QuestionHome@Com

Money makes life easier, but not necessarily more fulfilled!. I think not have a lot of money can help a person appreciate what they have much more, but not always!. Same with people who have a lot of money, they can either appreciate or become completely selfish!. I think money can make life more difficult, but when it comes down to it, to live in a society such as ours, making a living and making money means surviving!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

As soon as there is something missing in my life, I know it and start looking for the answer!.
My lifeā€²s fulfilment revolves around achievements, not the money!. It comes naturally!.
It is difficult to live for longer period with what I have!. Every time I get into the rot, I start looking for something to enrich my life!.
If your second part of a Q refers to money, then no, it is not difficult to live with what I have!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

some people say money doesn't buy happiness but i think it does!.!.!.to an extent!. i mean you will only feel unfulfilled if you were rich and had no family!. i at the moment im in college so i can get a job so i can ultimately make money but if i already had that now then my goal will be fullfilled wont it!?!? and if i have more money as you say, it will make life sweeter!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think it would be!. We do sometimes have to scrimp and scrape at the moment with the arrival of our second son!. Who knew they cost so damn much!? I would love to have enough money to give my sons everything they ever dreamed of, within reason obviously, and enough for them never to worry about money when they are grown up!. We can all dream eh!? I'm away to put the lottery on!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

im not really happy with my money situation with my family because the house that im prsetnly living in is being forclosed meaning that he (the landlord) is walking away from the house becasue he has gambling debt(we only know cause we still recive his mail) and so we have only 15 days left to find a house that is under 200,000 or we will be homelessWww@QuestionHome@Com

money isnt everything, i dont have much but i wouldnt be happier if i had more
what important is getting a job im happy with which i havnt got yet
also health and happiness is more important than money as is fulfilling your dreams ( that sounds so naff)Www@QuestionHome@Com

it would make life a lot simpler!.also having more money might enable people to fulfill their dreams so yes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would like the chance to find out!.Www@QuestionHome@Com