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Position:Home>Philosophy> When you think of destiny...?

Question: When you think of destiny!.!.!.!?
do you first count the coincidences in your life or the uncontrollable effects of your own actions!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
So now I have been thinking of ways to think of destiny & uncontrollable effects of my actions!. Here is one, those amazing world record breaking dominos set ups!. Off it goes one action, with the topple of the first domino the energy is transferd to the next & so on, the result of the cause in effect!.
Cross roads, intersections & obsticals, changing & spliting directions until the last domino rings the bell & a flag pops up!.
Even the most carefuly laid out courses fail in places, imagine testing the design!. If you looked back on the main track of the domino train in retrospect you could see the other branches that ended up leading to nothing & those that carried forward to the end!.
So I count the coincidences in retrospect, I think we naturaly see order in chaos!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

When I think of destiny, I think of nothing else but the thought that everything comes and happen for a reason to make me a better person!. Be it good or bad, the challenge, the coincidences and the luck that goes with it, I am all taking in a stride!. Destiny is something that we make, a result of our decisions in life!. I believe that in our every action, the reaction that follows becomes our destiny!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

!.!.!.I count both even though the connection between the two is a rickety foot bridge, at best!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it is my actions that have me in trouble now!.Www@QuestionHome@Com