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Position:Home>Philosophy> Self-actualization?

Question: Self-actualization!?
Do you have any rules or guidelines for your life to achieve self-actualization!? And I don't mean the traditional psychology definition!. I mean "Be the Best Person You Can!."

My rules:
1!. Be addicted to nothing!.
2!. Exercise regularly
3!. Never speak poorly of others!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1!. Be committed to continually improving yourself ie!. Research new ideas, learn new things, think about ways to improve your life, look into new hobbies or activities!.

2!. Exercise regularly, eat healthy, get regular checkups, get enough sleep!. (I agree completely!. It's amazing how much a difference it makes!.)

3!. Be honest with yourself!. (It's easy to to fall into the trap of believing what you want to believe, and doing or thinking the wrong thing for years and years, so you have to take a step back and be objective!. Many people are good about being skeptical about external ideas, but don't extend it to their own ideas!.)

4!. Be a good person!. (Show empathy for others, step into their shoes and try to think what they feel!. Be always ready to help others and show kindness!. Don't be judgmental!.)

I don't always succeed in these things, but I'm trying!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Identify those things that are of the most importance to you, i!.e!. being a good father, husband, having a good education, practicing your religion, etc!. And then, spend all your time improving those things!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Always eat your vegetables!.

Be courteous to senior citizenx!.!.

Never lie, cheat, nor steal!.Www@QuestionHome@Com