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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you believe in the power of thought over ANYTHING else?

Question: Do you believe in the power of thought over ANYTHING else!?
I just read a book that strongly suggested that people carve out their own destinies with the power of thought!. For instance!.!.!.If you think about an abundance of money then it will happen!. Or if you envision yourself getting married by a certain age, it will happen!. also, if you are consumed by thoughts of debt!.!.!.you'll be in debt until you start to think about finances in a positive way!. So, if I am really scared of home invasion am I essentially inviting them into my home!? How much do you believe in the power of thought vs!. the power of prayer/divine intervention!? I guess because I'm Catholic, this line of thinking conflicts with my faith!. What about you!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Relax!. Despite the spate of moronic best sellers about the so-called Law of Attraction, there is no evidence that unaided thoughts can mold reality!.

Think of all the technologies that we would not need if unaided thought could change the world!. With enough people thinking negative thoughts about our enemies, we would have no need for military weapons!. With enough people thinking positively about cancer victims, we would need no oncologists!. With enough people thinking positively about their incomes, our economy would always be healthy!.

The real world doesn't work that way!. Only action can mold reality, not the thought that inspires it!. This is a good thing, since we don't have to fear our every negative thought!. And if the real world is more compatible with your Catholic faith, so much the better!.


i think the power of thought has more to do with emotions and the heart than it does the mental process of evaluating situations or theories!.!.!. pray and thought can almost work together in a way because you usually pray for something that you feel strongly about!.!.!.but regardless of who or what GOD is really out there watching us don't fret!.!.!. LIFE IS TOO SHORT TO WORRY because in the end we are all going to die and go to one place or the other!. just do your best in life (but remember to be YOUR best and not THE BEST ok!?)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I dont!. Positive thinking is different than mind over matter!.

If i did, i would have the power of thought to be home sleeping right now or perhaps with my boyfriend rather than falling a sleep in this cubicle wasting time on yahoo!.com!Www@QuestionHome@Com

not until you brought it up

so does it mean there are aliens and higher power!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

When you expect something it is easier to get it because you are prepared and ready for it!. It's not some kind of magicWww@QuestionHome@Com

i dont think like that!.!.!.it hurts my wittle brainWww@QuestionHome@Com

Thoughts do fly!. They do attract what you think but they do not have power over ANYTHING ELSE!. God for one is more powerful than all the thoughts of mankind!. You yourself have control of your thoughts so you can direct them!.
If you are thinking in an evil manner than you will attract like minded people and just as sure as fat dogs fart!? You're going to pay for it sooner or later!.
Now then, if you think in positive manners then you will find yourself in like company and positive things will come your way because you are preparing your mind and body for such a thing!. Just as one who thinks evil does prepare both mind and body for evil!.
Control your thoughts, and know that they are not the end all and be all but they are a very important aspect of your life!. Don't underestimate them, you can be cutting your own legs off at the knees, and that is not a good thing to happen!.
As a man thinks, so he shall be!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I know that my mind controls my reality!. I can "wish" for whatever I want and it will come!. But at what price!?

When I wish, and believe in my own powerful mind, I become beholding to that wish!. if I wish for a toy truck, I become a child, if I wish for power or fame, then I become a slave to those tools!.

The world is not what I need to be changing!. My attitude is!. If I change ME to meet circumstances, I find that life is a pretty cool deal, and I am a fit player in the game of life, not a cripple corrupted by my own desires!.

And that jives with your religion just fine!. A guy names St!. Francis has alot to say about it!. I wish I could be where he was in terms of spiritual development!.

And tell Rainchild that all of those "technologies" are HOW we changed the world!. Didn't make it any better though!.Www@QuestionHome@Com