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Position:Home>Philosophy> What makes us afraid of fear? Why do we always have this gnawing fear inside us?

Question: What makes us afraid of fear!? Why do we always have this gnawing fear inside us!?
What's the best way to deal with it!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The Apostle Paul said "perfect love casts out all fear"

So love must be the opposite of fear!. Or, fear is the absence of love!. What does this mean!? When we use the slightest bit of negative energy toward something - resentment, anger, hate, judgement, damnation - we are falling out of our center of love!. This is where we naturally belong, but when we separate from it we feel conflict, anxiety and fear, and we transfer and associate that fear to the object that we dislike!. The dislike is nothing more than an unacceptance of the reality before us because we feel inferior to it for some reason!.

If you could face all the things that make you feel fear and don't give in to the often subtle negative emotions, the fear would disappear!. Patience (love) in all situations will see you through fearlessly!. Realize that the everpresent God is always close at hand sustaining your existence and giving you everything you need!. It's the world that tempted you to react with neg emotions that separated you from your center and invited fear in!.

Paul also said "through patience possess ye your soul"Www@QuestionHome@Com

Fear is fear in itself!. Fear and doubt are the best negatives of all! It is negative energy and it draws as much positive energy from you as you are willing to give it! What is it that you are afraid of!? What is the one thing that you most fear!?
You can be rid of it and all other fears by giving them up to the Lord!. He 'will' wash them away and replace them with fulfillment of everything that is positive in your life! You should have 'no' fear, when He is present in your life!. Always seek that which is positive and you will have nothing but!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The name of fear makes us afraid and the reason we have fear inside us is because we dont trust ourselfs or even others and we know we will slip or do something wrong no matter how much we try so thats y we r afraid which creates fear and we can deal with it by trusting in ourselfs and others being stronger than fear itself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

All fear is based around the belief that we can actually be separate from God!. If we didn't truly believe this we never would have projected ourselves here in the first place!. The best way to deal with it is to forgive it!.!.!.!.let it go!. There is no one else out there and therefore there is nothing to fear!.

"Nothing real can be threatened!. Nothing unreal exists!. Herein lies the peace of God!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

This happens when we only have our past to rely upon and think we are bodies!. Both are illusions!. many techniques and writngs have been used to help us put these illusions behind us!. This includes all religions and psychology!. But some are misguided!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I always thought it was the unknown, but it seems to be in things we know as well!.!.!.it's natures way of producing adrenaline I suppose!. To overcome it I suppose you must first face it!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Perhaps death is the ultimate fear!? An understanding via simple meditation on the reality of human existence may help we are more than this body!Www@QuestionHome@Com

A guilty conscience as simple as abc!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Stop watching TV and stay focused on what you do like!. :-)Www@QuestionHome@Com