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Position:Home>Philosophy> What makes life worth living? Is it really worth it to live life?

Question: What makes life worth living!? Is it really worth it to live life!?
How do you make your life worth living!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Interesting q!. !. !. I asked myself that question a couple of days ago; and you need to ask yourself "What have I achieved in x years I have lived!?" And I couldn't find any great answers to that, but here I can tell you that the people you meet, those incidents that take one or two seconds and are remembered a lifetime, the love you give and the love you receive; those things define you more than anything else and above all give you a reason to keep doing what you're doing!. Nobody here knows YOUR answer, but you!. Only you know what makes your life worth living, and only you know the questions to ask yourself to attain that answer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

MUSIC!!! it's perfect in every way! also, just stepping back and taking time to enjoy it!. you know, waking up early to go on a run and watch the sunrise or swinging in the dark while looking up at the stars, soaking in the sun, sitting and just looking out the window!. you've got to think of all the great things that are out there, and they are, you just have to find a certain something that makes all the world worth living!. i'm in marching band, and we spend 300+ hours working in the hot sun carrying around heavy drums getting yelled at all day for the way we hold the stick!. then after an 8 hour day, going home, memorizing music, practicing another hour and then getting up early only to do it again the next day and the day after that!.!.!.!.all for 6 meezly performances, it seems like a HUGE waste of time, but at the end of each one, as you are standing there feeling this amazing feeling of accomplishment, it makes everything all worth it, the drama, fighting, sweat, blood, and time!. that's what its all about!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

life is a gift although I do some times believe it is a curse due to something I did somewhere else in relation to god etc!. however when things are right in my life I can see the good and love that god gives!. I do not mean good in the material world but good in my heart!. I hve been given things and opertunities that I had not expected but the child in me expects too much sometimes my life is good because I believe in god not because of matteral wealthWww@QuestionHome@Com

for me its the simple things in life that make me smile!.!.
just stopping for a second and noticing all the beauty around, and being glad that i can enjoy it!.
sometimes its even knowing that so many people around the world have lives that are worse than mine, but still they don't give up!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

by realizing your potential !.!.!.!. by thinking of what you can contribute to everything!.!.!. by thinking of the years you have lived and the expectations everyone has of you!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

love and friendship, personal achievement and progress, helping others and making people smile

what else would you have if you didn't have life!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

The eternal capacity for self improvement!. Small pleasures!. Definitely not another person, unless it's your kids, maybe!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Having nearly died 3 times in my life, every day is special and valued!. If I can do a small kindness to another person then life is worthwhile!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My family, my daughter!.!.!.they need me!. It's a good feeling to be needed!. It tends to get hard sometimes, but it's good to have love!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The only thing that makes life worth living, is the alternative!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Donate to charities!. Your life will have more meaning if you make another's life better!.Www@QuestionHome@Com