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Position:Home>Philosophy> How do babies converse and understand each other?

Question: How do babies converse and understand each other!?
I have observed that whenever babies are put together they seem to have a language of their own and they really understand each other!. How do they do that when they can barely utter a straight word!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think you have it a little backwards!. It is pretty much beyond dispute that adults communicate and understand far more than babies do!. It is probably there that the problem arises!.

I am reminded of my computer network at home!. I was trying to hook up an old, simplistic piece of hardware into my wireless network and the communication just wasn't happening!. Yet when I checked all the systems, everything was working properly!. It was possible for them to communicate but it just wasn't happening!. It turned out that my high-tech wireless network, as soon as it detected the old device, always tried to ramp up the speed, use sophisticated co-signals that the old one couldn't receive, and was otherwise getting in its own way in its excitement!. But once I told it to take things very slow and very simply everything proceeded just fine!.

This is how it is with babies!. They have instinctive means of communication!. Facial expressions and body language!. Tone and primitive calls!. They are even to some extent familiar with some of the sounds of their parent's language and specific voices after having heard them for months before birth!. But most of the subtleties of even these things are beyond them!.

This is probably why you observe that babies seem to understand each other better than they communicate with adults!. They are on the same level!. They're not trying to add layers of sophistication and complexity!.

But by the same token, I suspect that you will also find that an adult who is proficient in baby communication will do it BETTER than even babies!. They understand things in ways that babies do not and can not and they have far more control and ability over their means of communication than babies do!. A baby may only know that it is uncomfortable and express that, but an adult can pick up on this quickly, divine why, and know what to do about it!. It's not an automatic skill any more than language itself is!. But some people definitely have it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Baby do have a language of they own, and they also communicate, pretty good with one another, since most adult can't not understand they language, i saw this on the Oprah, show on TV, these Doctors, were teaching, some young mother, to listen to their babies, talking, and it realy works, so the different , sounds, as a meanning, and they gave a lo'ts of example, as when a baby is telling her mom she is hungry, or wet, or sleeply, or hurting, etc, and when, the babies start crying, then the doctors told each mom, what did , they babies was crying about, so as soon, as they mom, either, feed the ones that were hungry, changed, the one s, that needed to be change, and sing to the one's, that wanted to listen to music, and made comfortable, the one's that were un--comfortable, all of the baby stop crying, and most of them were smiling, laughing, or talking, they very own language,, This was so awesome!!!. Take care!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They are pleasantly created with the Spirit of God and do as they feel and see until their surroundings change them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com