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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do we create a bond with someone we love?

Question: Do we create a bond with someone we love!?

I am not being romantic, so give me some "scientific" response if possible!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well in neurological terms being around some one for whom you have great affection for will start to condition the phsyological operation of your brains as such person would be the stimulus of endorphines!. Your cells would begin to crave this chemical and it would result in a natural addiction to that person!.
From a philosophical perspective this is now one of my reasons for believe that objectivism from an ethical stand point are incomplete as a moral philosophy being that the ideas of friendship and love nesecitate another individual!.
Though the chemicals are asscioted with either person in and of themselves the stimulus is dependant upon anothers presences and if we follow the rational self intrest theory of ethics then we would arrive at the conclusion that these people are not in our self interest being that they pose a liability to ones happiness should we be deprived of intamate contact with them!.
Followed to the most extreme end none would survive to adulthood because it would not be in the rational self interest of our parents to risk become dependant upon us as a source of happiness!.
That and well Rand says that ethics of rational self interest can be objectively varified but I have not encountered evidence that supports that this system will virtue!.
In fact stasticaly there is growing dispairity between those that enjoy and extremely high standard of living and those that are forced to be content with a gradualy decresing standard of living!.
She also mentions that humans can not form social groups on a collection of individuals which seems contradictory!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.
Oh crap sorry I went off on rant!.
Any way yes there is evidence that suggest that pair bonding occurs at moleculer levels in humans!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Humanity thrives upon this bonding, assimilating, telepathic synchronising of minds, hearts and souls!. To love another beyond initial physical attraction requires a period of synchronicity to establish and forge attachments on all spiritual levels!.

Love created in this ageless and ancient manner has a greater likelihood of longevity and efficacious mutual accord!. Less effort is required to attain the peace and contentment when two spirits demonstrate a highly charged and deeply moving response in communication!.

It is unfortunate that the human spirits is suppressed if not eroded in the pursuit of temporal and instant repasts in the stead of fortifying and nourishment of the spirit, requiring greater calculated appraisal at the outset but standing man in good stead for the foundational basis of his life journey long term!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

all matter is substance that is just bonds at different angles (like the vibrating string theory)
when elements bond they try to form a stable octet
(when bonding metallic elements usually give up protons for elements to form gases)

point is!.!.!. bonds are an important part of life!.

the cells on your body tens of trillions of mutlitcellular and unicellular organisms working as one big you!.

prokaryotes and eukaryotes cell spores combine to form plants and animals

like the lichens (fungis) one a tree provide a moist environmetns for algea to spawn they form a symbotic relationship (i scratch your back you scratch mine)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, reproduction is considered to be among our basest of instincts!. It is clearly necessary for our survival as a species!. So, it makes sense that we would also have an instinct to protect the partner we have chosen to reproduce with!. The best way to protect something is to always be around it!. If common experiences and emotional bonds do not result from that, I cannot think of a more likely source!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Chemically speaking lust reels up in with uppers and hallucinations that our potently mate is perfect, and love slows us down making us comfortable with our mates imperfections, and only has obvious powerful effects when we are separated and get withdrawals, causing us to pine for absent loved ones!.

This may be (at least partially) a separate phenomena to children or pets getting separation anxiety when separated from carers!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes!. Emotional bond is created!.

That is why we would miss the persons we love if we didn't see them for a long time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is not love,it is attachment and possessiveness!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

makes sense!.Www@QuestionHome@Com