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Question: Life!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!?
I've been thinking really deeply lately!.!.!.!.what do you think!? The meaning of life I mean!? I believe it's to determine if we go to heaven or hell, you know-life is a test!. I just want some opinions wheather you agree or have a different idea!.

Yes, I am Catholic-thank you very much!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I love this question!!! and I love the first comment back too!! This is a truely deep question!.
I feel that we ARE blessed to be here and we should try to accomplish good while we're here!. I pray every night to God to steer me in the right direction and beg Him to show me what I'm here for!. I have two beautiful, healthy girls and I know that I'm here other to be a mother!.
A test!? No!. God gave us His Son so we can have a personal relationship with Him!. God loves us and doesn't want us to go through a test for Him but just to serve Him as He did us!.
Just live life as if it is your last!. Be grateful for everyday that we have here until the day we get to meet our Maker!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

As a Catholic you understand that everything counts!. There is no such thing as a wasted prayer!. Even if you just give a cup of water to a poor person, it stays with you - forever!. Every Mass service you attend, every Rosary, counts!.!.!. everything counts!. Every word you speak has its affect!. Every thought that enters your mind, lives forever!.

Your soul is the sum product of everything you do, every word you speack and every thought that enters your mind!. So be careful how you nurture your soul: seek truth, practice love and relish everything in life that has beauty!.

Then when you die your soul will be joined with its source and with all the other saints!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well i think because you're catholic you have a religious view on life so i will go that route!. I mean life is about the whole hell or heaven thing but you're just scratching the surface, man!. life is about getting your stuff together so you're acceptable in gods sight, making sure that you are close to him and and that you're a good person!. But you can't just live life without a purpose!. we all have one that god has chosen for us and when we figure it out it is our job to fulfill it!. there are much more aspects of life that we all have to learn and that may be part of getting to heaven!. i don't know

hope this helps!.

p!.s i'm christian but still respect the catholic beliefs!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think that we are born and live to do things for God!.
I do not believe life is a test, but rather and gift!.
I we truly know who gave us life, then there's no reason for questions and answers!. Jesus died for us!. my sins and your sins are forgiven, our job and point of life is to spread the news!.

- lutheran here


Yeah, it's not a test other people don't believe in God and how is it a test for them!? Yeah it's like a gift you need to be happy that you have!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think that you should worry about going to heaven, but also you need to live life at the fullest, and enjoy it!. Fall in Love, make some money, have fun!Www@QuestionHome@Com

The true meaning of life is only known in its absence!. Then a life lived may be evaluated and thus its meaning known!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is an opportunity to get to know our Creator, the Lord Jesus Christ, through the Bible, His Word, and to serve and glorify Him!. John 3:16Www@QuestionHome@Com