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Position:Home>Philosophy> You have a mirror that can GLIMPSE yourself in the future, would you?

Question: You have a mirror that can GLIMPSE yourself in the future, would you!?
use it, or trade it in for one you change the past

or buy one that can fix your present!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I don't have any big probs right now, and changing my past would change my future!.!.!.so i'd go back to the past!. There are some things I want to change!. Not exactly regrets, but just want to know how something would have turned out if I had doen something different!. I think I would have been a different person!.!.!.!.possibly happier!? ahh sh!t

To be honest I would do it mainly just for this guy (stupid girl i am i know!)!. Make some different choices!.!.!.and see what could have happened coz I think I screwed it all up!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i hate to glimpse at myself in the present= and if you change your past you might not be here to answer this question= anything could have happened= of course to could be wealthy, ya know walked by that basement where they started google and a couple of guys asked you for help= As for a glimps of the future, maybe the second it becomes the past!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Buy one that can fix my present!. The present determines my future and the past cannot be changed!. Seriously, it can't!.When you get injured the day before, you go back in time and stop the accident!. The day you go back in time is not the day you went back in time!. Its the day you DIDN'T go back in time because there was NO accident the day before!. So who is going to stop you from injuring yourself!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

i would use it! since there is nothing i regret for granted in my life, and my present problems arent really urgent! but by looking into future, i can atlast see what will happen and try to avoid it if its bad!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I wouldn't care about appearances, how I look doesn't matter, but I would LOVE to know if I ever find those elusive things called inner peace, happiness, contentment etc!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It'd be good to just make stuff happen in the present I think!.!.!.!.get me a nice boyfriend, lose a few pounds!.!.!.!.that kinda thing ya know lolWww@QuestionHome@Com