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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why is it that where ever there are people you will always find corruption?

Question: Why is it that where ever there are people you will always find corruption!?
Is there anywhere such as a fair society where people are just and not corrupted!?

or is it only in the minds of those who dream of utopia!.!.!. the place that never was!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
because a large number of human beings are susceptible to this, and rather than build a society that tries to prevent this type of behaviour, and is constructed in a manner as to prevent situations in which people might be tempted to be corrupt!. our society is built under the rule of corruption, material reward!. that which gets materialistically rewarded occurs!. and basically only that!.

so corruption is in a way accepted to us, though only certain kinds, that follow certain rules we've devised!. and because of that we generally view corruption as corruption that doesn't follow those rules!. but it all is!.

and i do wholeheartedly believe that if enough people want it enough!. we can indeed build a corruption free!.!.!. or very minimaly corrupt society!. a fair and safe society!.

I don't know how or why people got convinced it isn't possible!.
though i've heard many erroneous arguments that suggest it's not!.

like; it's human nature, look at how communism failed!. these aren't logically strong arguments if you dig deep enough!.

never was, i'm not sure i'd agree!. i don't know enough about history in many parts to know for sure, but i would suspect that there are many isolated societies of few people that have and probably some still do function this way!.

but it is the nature of other societies to takeover under the guise of spreading technology and possessions!.

I don't think though, that you could have the utopia, and so much technology and so many possessions and so many toys!. these are the result of the corruption!.

the funny thing is i think, that most people would not trade their trinkets for utopia!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I take it you mean corruption in the government of society!.

I work for the Ministry of Justice here in the UK and so I work with a lot of people who try very hard in pursue of justice and fairness!. But I wouldn't have a job if it wasn't for criminals, the corruption in the people!.

Personally I think you may need the people of the society to be fair and just to create a utopia, but that is more or less the idea of heaven!. And here on earth we are all just not that perfect!.

It's true what they say though: Power corrupts!. And societies by there very nature create positions of power!.

But then it's not like you find utopia in nature, which can be surprisingly cruel!. Maybe utopia is just a dream of the human mind!. A noble pursuit but not a realistic reality!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Utopia doesn't exist!.

Part of it is our programming all the way back to the cave!. It was survival of the fittest

The reasons for the corruption don't really matter!. You can decide to be part of that corruption or not

You are the only one you have control over!. Live your life the way you feel is best!. You have already seen the corruption in others so you are forearmed!.

There is not a Utopia on earth that I am aware of!. That doesn't mean that there are not good and honest people out there!.

They are not always easy to spot with all the decoys aroundWww@QuestionHome@Com

As humans we have a constant struggle between our light and dark nature!. Some never need to show their darkness but given the right circumstances we would all give in to some form of outright selfishness!.
I wouldn't go so far as to say that all people are corrupt!.
I think we all want our own needs met first!. Some have self-discipline and a genuine sense of caring for others!. As a social worker I met hundreds of people like that!. I've seen the extremely poor sharing their last bit of food because they believed it was the right thing to do!. There are those people but it is a case by case basis!.
Don't lose the dream but take action now!. Be the change you want to see!. Set the example and start your own wave of a just and loving community!. Start now!.
Good luck and thanks for caring!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

because humans have emotions!. they have their different inclination to others, to themselves and to all worldly stature based on their own biases on their beliefs!. It is simply human!. You can never change or eliminate it you can only lessen it by giving weigh to the greater number!.

and yes, it is but an ideal thought that can never be of absolute application to reality!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, you cant get to utopia until you have been through dystopia!. Society will never be fair!.!.!. but people can be! What is society anyway, and who decides what society says and does!. Society is too general for me!. I like to look at people on an individual basis!.


Why is it that where ever there are people you will always find corruption!?

Because animals, rocks, gas and water are incapable of it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

people are born sinful - if everybody lived by the Bible's standards then we would be perfect!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

People are corrupt!. End of story!.Www@QuestionHome@Com