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Position:Home>Philosophy> Would it be best to outsource your safety critical project to someone like this

Question: Would it be best to outsource your safety critical project to someone like this who seems to be able to !.!.!.!.!.!.
"absorb a lot of punishment" and almost by definition will do the job!.

<<I am the CEO of a corporation!. I built this corporation, based on an "ACCIDENTAL POWER" which was given to me, by a street gang, in the neighborhood where i live!. I , a commercial lawyer of 32 years now, applied the corporate laws to building a wargame, which parallelled my reality!.

I reestablished this "ACCIDENTAL POWER", on every level, in every nuance of the corporation!.THE CORPORATION ITSELF IS DESIGNED, TO BE "absorbed"!. HOW DOES THIS HELP ME!?

Simple, when my corporation is absorbed it is much the same way a sponge is absorbed by the ocean!. (HERE IS A GREAT BIG "SO WHAT")!

However my board members do not comprehend this, and as IS THE NATURE OF "klingons", THEY ARE CONSTANTLY ATTEMPTING TO DESTROY ME FOR CONTROL OF THE CORPORATION!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I can't comment on the specific person/situation that you quote, but I will talk a little about outsourcing safety critical work!.

The reason that a firm (represented by its Project Manager) outsources work is to shift the risk to the other firm!. Reasons for shifting risk may be that the outsourcing firm does not have the skills necessary to perform the task or the resources necessary to perform the task!.

The second reason is what we saw in the late 1990s and early 2000s!. The outsourcing firm thinks that they can get the same quality software for less money by going overseas!. As many companies found out, this thinking was not always correct!. It required the outsourcing firm to truly understand and document all of the requirements before passing the information to the contracting firm!.

The first reason, not having the necessary skills, is still a common reason for a firm to outsource work!. Safety critical software must be developed to certain standards!. These standards are published and and the one that the developers must follow depends on the industry and location!. There are special skills associated with building safety critical software and with testing and certifying the software!. A firm that has experience with the building/testing/certifying process may be able to produce the code more efficiently than one that does not have experience!.

All of this information is so that I can give you my opinion!. I would not hire a firm to develop my safety critical software because they can absorb a lot of punishment; I would hire a firm if and only if they can do a better job than my firm can (better, faster, cheaper)!. If they can't, then I'm not really shifting risk from myself to the other firm, I'm increasing my own risk just so I can have a punching bag!.Www@QuestionHome@Com