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Position:Home>Philosophy> Anyone out there feel like this?

Question: Anyone out there feel like this!?
Does anyone out there feel like they would just like to disappear out of their lives!? Like just pack everything you can into a couple of suitcases, put them in the trunk of your car and drive off!. I have been feeling like that more and more here lately!. Just go somewhere else and be SOMEONE ELSE!. I hate my life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
i have felt like doing that for a long time!. unfortunately for me, i can't!. i don't think uncle sam would appreciate it very much though!. i hear that the greeks have some lovely islands with a lot of exciting nightlife, or maybe get a house and raise grapes in the tuscany region of italy, or live in the alps in southern germany, or hell, just do anything besides what i'm doing now!. if you feel like doing that, do it!. you can always go back if you find out that its not the adventure your looking for!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Instead of complaining you can do something about it because you'll never get anything done by just hating your life!.
Think about what it is you wan't to change with your life and then do it!.
Everyone have felt like you do right now, but you'll soon find out that your life aint that bad!. And if you want something you have to fight for it, like everybody else!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I feel like that constantly, but you are always in the same place; you cannot really move from that!. When you drive off into the countryside, you unfortunately take yourself with you!. I think the best thing to do when you feel like that is to do nothing; go sit under a tree, as hard as that is, and do nothing; sit still, observe yourself, but don't judge yourself and don't force yourself, just sit and listen and see what happens!. When you can feel okay wherever you are, then it won't matter whether you are in a bustling city or a field, and driving off into the countryside with your bags packed will be just the same as staying put!.

On the other hand, it isn't something anyone else can tell you!. Maybe you do need to pack your bags and hit the road to experience it for yourself!. Do what you feel you need to do; do the truest thing!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yeh !.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.the rituals of doing the same job day in day out meeting the same boring people who daont add any flavour to what you get excited about makes you feel blase!. I did what your thinking about 20 years ago, i left my job at the drop of hat,was unemployed,got other jobs and went to UNi!. I just couldnt contemplate an existence where everything was all mapped out fine!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.I"m still searching !? I can always relate to that U2 song "I still havent found what I"m looking for !?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes in my mind I have took off and laft my life behind and went looking for a new life!.Want looking for some place I could start over with a new life!.And maybe,just maybe find a women That is in the same boat I was in!. And is looking for a man that can make her happy in bed!.But in my case it's just a pipe dream!.Hunny go for it if he is not going to be a man and give you the love you need and the fullfillment you so need !.Just pack your bags and find a new life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I feel like that right now!.!.!. I hate it that other people gossip behind my back, and I hate the fact that my mom believes them instead of me!. Right now, I wish I was someone else!. I wish that people would stop judging my actions from what they see even if they are already misinterpreting my actions!. Life will never be fair!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This feeling is probably because you feel that you haven't made anything out of your life, nor accomplished what you've wanted to accomplish!. You need to set goals for yourself!. You need to get out more into the world and meet new people and make new friends!. Get out there! Do what you want to do! Be what you want to be!Www@QuestionHome@Com

yeah!. a professor once told me there are a lot of books (fiction) written with this theme for women!. bec women get like this!. i did too!.

and!.!.!. i actually did it! got on a plane and took off, one-way ticket!. i ended up returning to my previously-scheduled life after about 3 1/2 weeks!. i did have a hell of an adventure though!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Who hasn't felt that way!? If I didn't have kids, I think I'd be in Mexico right now, sipping margaritas and getting a tan, with no forwarding address or phone number!.

Maybe when the kids turn eighteen!.!.!. hmmm!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


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ive felt that way before!.!.!.

just find a nice girl and get good sex

haha that should up yur mood a bit hunnieWww@QuestionHome@Com

Then just do it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't have money !?!? I am homeless guy Ha HaaaaaaaaaaaWww@QuestionHome@Com

Cougar, I have felt that way many times!. Thankfully, now that I am on Lexapro, I do not feel that way quite as often and I am better able to work through them!. I know that when you are in the middle of feeling that way you wonder if it is just a phase that you pass through or if it is a new permanent state for your life!.

My tendency in the past when I have felt that way is to jump out there and do something quickly to try to make that feeling go away!. Sometimes, the things I did were rather rash and not thought out and I ended up in trouble!. When I was much younger (and in beter shape, better looking, etc!.) it would be real easy to go out and find someone to have a one night stand with!. That would leave me feeling better for days!.!.!.but it wasn't very good for my reputation in the long run!. I made a lot of mistakes in those days!.!.!.mainly because I was acting irrationally and very depressed!.

I recent years, I have come to to realization that those times when I may feel the most pressed to do something quickly to get out of the crappy feelings and circumstances that I find myself in!.!.!.!.it is usually best to wait, let some time pass, and see how you feel about it in a few days!. Allowing some perspective to settle in will not hurt anything!.

During these last seven years without sex with my wife, I have been very unhappy about the lack of intimacy!. However, other aspects of the relationship are very good!. I have had to ask myself many times if my need for physical intimacy is so strong that I am willing to risk the other, more positive parts of the relationship in order to get it!. Over the last seven years, there have been times where my answer has vascillated back and forth!. More recently, I have determined that the answer to that question is yes!.!.!.!.it IS worth the risk!. That answer, though, has not come without a lot of thought and consideration of the consequences!.

There have been portions of my life that I have hated!.!.!.where I wish I had made different decisions!. I wonder if I would have been happier if I had married someone else!.!.!.if I had gone to a different school!.!.!.if I had moved to a different city!.!.!.if I had chosen a different career!.

When I was in grad school, there was a woman who chased after me who really had a HUGE crush on me!. I liked her, but not in a romantic way!. She came from a very, very, very wealthy family and if I had married her today I would be very wealthy and I would have had a woman who adored me!. The problem was that I had a real hard time being attracted to her because she was insecure and homely!. If I had given her more time and spent more time with her instead of just rejecting her out of hand!.!.!.I would have been able to work past the superficial aspects of who she was!.!.!.and today I would be much wealthier than I am today!. She turned out to be a really pretty woman (after some enhancements) and she was always a very nice person to be around!.

I reacted quickly and rashly to the surface of who she was instead of giving it time!. It was a decision that I will always regret!.

If you are not on an anti-depressant, I highly recommend you look into it!. It is not a miracle drug for everybody, but it has helped me to think through my decisions more clearly than I used to!. If I had been on them much earlier in life, I know I would have made many different decisions than the ones I regret today!.

Someone who feels the way you do needs time to be reflective!.!.!.so you can make a clear choice and undersand the consequences of that choice!. Maybe you are already there!. But the moment you are saying that you hate your life is exactly NOT the time to make rash decision!.Www@QuestionHome@Com