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Position:Home>Philosophy> What does the future hold for humanity?

Question: What does the future hold for humanity!?
Do you think it is neccesary, in the long run, for a few people to die for the good of the many!. While yes I agree, people dieing in natural disasters or for any reason really, is a tragedy!. But is it necessary in the long run!? I think most people would agree that a drastic reduction in the worlds population, such as that caused by war (excluding the use of nuclear weapons) would solve many of our global problems!. In particualar, overpopulation putting strain on natural resources such as food, global warming, and also lessen the socio-economic gap between the rich and the poor!. While I dont believe there are any possible means through which we could ethically act (or not act depending on what the case may be) , but I still think it posses an interesting philosophical question!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I believe that humanity has yet to live its best!. In spite of all you see to the contrary the world will survive for a long time yet and humanity will enter an era of peace and elevated existence!. This world has seen many what you may describe as cataclysmic times and times of great transformation - look at the geological epochs and the evidence is irrefutable; the face of the earth has been renewed many times and what proceeded is a greater flourishing of life!. Even if most of this humanity is selected out for annihilation - which I doubt - what shoots foreword will be a humanity of a higher order where its better qualities and attributes will become predominant!. It has always ended up this way with nature; there was never a backward step but everything gained through previous experience was utilised to bring about superior traits in its spieces!.

People are often perturbed by what the see around them because they fear for their own survival and are unaware of the bigger scenario in the offing which they can participate in
to promote a better life for themselves and in the long term a more authentic humanity!.

I believe that the whole world is in process who's dynamics escape the majority - we can either be participant or simply a dead weight or even detractors!.

Its a great mystery and a great question for humans who come out of the structures of nature, being where we are and where we are heading!?


We perpetuate our own problems!.

Other species are far more 'intelligent' in terms of managing the Earth and it's resources for survival!. But then as you noted with wars -- nuclear included -- we are not all looking for life and survival!.

Why anyone chooses to bring a child into poverty is a problem that only they can answer and respond to!. Bringing a child into illness, disease, poverty, early death is quite the thing to do!.

What's in store for us!? More of the same!.

The issue is not population or overpopulation, but rather the impact of poverty and poor choices!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What does the future hold for humanity!?
1 year - same shyte different day!.
100 years - same shyte different century
1000 years - same shyte different millenium!.
1,000,000 years - same shyte different quadrant
A few million years - Earth dust from the suns implosion on E-Bay!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Death!. The perfect poem!. It bears no holes and is inevitable!. A god in itself for itself by itself!. That is what is in store for all of humanity!. Including you and I!. Smile, for we grow near that sweet twilight!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Bright, why, I am always on the brighter side of the coin!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm sure all the people that died in the recent earthquake in China were just thrilled to be helping with the overpopulation problem there!. They probably all chose to live where they lived to be sure it was closest to the center of the earthquake so that they would be the ones that would help the most!.

And all those people living in California, waiting for the "big one", I'm sure they are also counting on aiding the over population problem in the US!.

Don't forget that person that decided there were too many of a certain nationality living in his country, eating the food, contributing to the gap between the rich and poor, all those things you mentioned!. He had a "final solution" to that and once he put it into motion it certainly did help the over population problem there!.

Do you see where this is going!? Would YOU be willing to be one of those people that dies in a natural disaster, war or by some other natural or unnatural means to help the worlds overpopulation, global warming, etc!?

Once we give someone the power to actually DECIDE that a few people dying for the good of the many people is NECESSARY, and puts into motion the means to solve the problem, we have reached the end of life as we know it!. I'll ask again, do you want to the one that volunteers to die or the one that decides who dies, even if they decide its you!?

That is a slippery slope that I wouldn't want to take a ride on, literally or philosophically!.


You said you thought that MOST PEOPLE would agree that a drastic reduction in the worlds population by natural/unnatural means would solve many global problems!. I simply pointed out that once most people agree on that, the next step is implementation (I mean you have the majority (most) of the people agreeing)!. Now you have to decide who decides who stays and who goes!. I simply posed the question of if you would be willing to be one of those who goes, as long as it's for the global good!. Or, would you be willing to decide who goes!. Ethical or not ethical would not enter the picture once MOST PEOPLE AGREE!. That's what makes it a slippery slope!. I'm not going to mention abortion, but MOST PEOPLE agree that it is ok to kill babies in the womb!. That doesn't make it right, it just makes it majority rule!. They use abortion in China to weed out certain sex babies and to avoid over population!. Do you agree with that!? Probably some Chinese don't agree with it, but they don't have a choice because MOST PEOPLE AGREE it's for the GOOD OF THE MANY!. The slope is slippery no matter how you look at it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com