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Position:Home>Philosophy> I'd like to be sure my safety critical system is actually safe to use. How d

Question: I'd like to be sure my safety critical system is actually safe to use!. How do I tie every change that we!.!.!.!.!.!.
developers made in constructing the system to either:
1/ a "fit and proper person"
2/ actual added value !?

also, won't a person on the project over whom there might be some sort of question mark ("Is he a spy !?", "Did he acquire a criminal record while he was overseas ") be likely to attempt to make lots of changes, in the belief that this will give him a track record as having "added value to the project" and so any failings ("He seems more like a spy than a loyal worker/boss", "He was injured robbing a jewelry store in USA so we might feel a lot of sympathy for him and are glad he's kind of got his life back on track a bit but is he really the sort of person we want responsible the software for our SAM missile system we've installed on the roof of our house because we fear assassination !?") will be overlooked!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Competence and reliability of performance of an individual is established upon qualification and historical allegory!. Personality profiling can be constructive toward ascertaining inherent characteristic flaws and weaknesses!.

Appropriating the fitness capacity of an individual is difficult in that life changes a person’s chemical and mental make-up on a daily and continual basis!. Given the premise that man cannot completely place his trust and faith his creator in securing his own safety and protection it proves insurmountably contentious to verify with absolute certainty another’s proficiency!.

Trial and error, advancing one who has created prosperity and peace, and deterring the oppressive and lackadaisical and loud but cowardly is a good starting point!.

Man cannot live in fear of assassination!. To live in fear is to be partially dead!. Better to live fully, and be expectant of death as ones fellow wayfarer to be ultimately taken by the same in the end!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Code is mysterious!. If one person could fathom the whole project, you wouldn't have "many hands" working on it!.
Any house that can be made can be broken into!.Www@QuestionHome@Com