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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why is murder "wrong"?

Question: Why is murder "wrong"!?
Why is it wrong to kill another human being!? Morals do not exist as an actual physical force (e!.g!. like gravity), so how can we say that certain things (like murder) are "wrong" and claim that this is fact!. Surely morals are opinion based so how is it possible for any one moral to exist in natural law!. On what authority can such an asseration be made!. Why shouldnt I kill someone!? I don′t want any religious based answers or answers which use god in their argument!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Murder is natural and for those of you not willing to accept it you need to step into the reall world where we pay 4 dollars for gas!. Nothing is wrong or right, i actually posted a question about this earlier!. Our decsions can be interpreted as wrong or right, but you are right(in my opinion) that morals do not have any physical power to them!. If we kill someone morals will not strike us down because what we did was "wrong"!. However society will if you get caught because man has made laws to control and decide what is morally punishable, and for those who have no fear of jail or death, we have also instituted an afterlife to instill fear in us to do what was accepted to be "morally good"!. Whether it be the laws of the state or the "law of man"(Commandments) we have fear lurking behind every moral decision we make!. I look at it as man has devised laws in order to protect himself from himself!. You can be punished for what people dont agree with now or later, man has the answer for both!. Of course these laws only became to be such because powerful men needed to control their people!. Which is just what is being done today!. We are controlled!. In my opinion man created laws by which to govern himself for fear of what he could do!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Murder can be many things!. You're right, morals do not exist as a physical force!. Therefore, murder can be a problem solver for someone lacking empathy, or entertainment for a sociopath!. Whole societies have embraced murder as a religous rite (ritual sacrifice)!. Then there are crimes of passion, including vendettas!. And, of course, wars - another form of ritualized murder and sacrifice!. Morality, regarding murder, always seems to be relative!. Courts step in to sort out relative degrees of murder!. And while our laws are said to be based on "morals," they follow deeper, basic laws of nature!. We are human beings!. We are physically fragile in a world of fangs and claws!. It takes a huge amount of time and resources to rear our young - longer than any other species!. In order to survive as a species, we have to live in family units and better yet, tribes, the bigger, the better, up to the carrying capacity of our environment!. Living closely works better with certain behaviors such as sociability, empathy and altruism!. Murder as entertainment would be counterproductive!. We also are alone as a species in being aware of our consiousness and that we, someday, all die!. This awareness combined with our social behaviors is the root of our "morality" and is the reason a nonsociopthic killer's conscience pays a price for murder!. A sociopath is dysfuntional in lacking empathy and should be put on an ice floe!. That's why you shouldn't kill someone!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In reality my friend there is no definite right or wrong!. The concept of morality originated from the human mind to help simplify our lives with basic principles and rules to follow under!. Murder is one of the most common and basic forms of morality!. The thing that people fail to realize all the way up to date, is the fact that all ideas, philosophies, and morality is never 100% right every time!. There is always that tiny exception for everything including murder!. For example murder is wrong, unless a justifiable reason is to be met, like your parents are murdered and you seek vengeance!. The idea is avenging your parents death would be of the justifiable cases for murder!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What an interesting and disturbing question!.
Morals are things which are objectionable to the majority!. The majority of people find rape, murder, and theft objectionable!.

Take, for instance, homosexuality!. Nothing wrong with it!. But for a long time the vast majority found it objectionable, and it was morally wrong!. However, as the majority is swinging towards acceptance, it is no longer morally objectionable (other than to the die hard groups who still haven't caved to majority rules)!. Eventually it will be a normal fact of life!.

If ever the majority of humans agree that murder is alright!.!.!. then go for it!. Till then, majority rules!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because we can reason!.
That is to say based on our own feelings we can understand what others would want also!.
If you would not want to be murdered it stands to reason that most likely those around you do not want to be murdered!.
also murder of ones own species is just a poor survival strategy!.
You benifit from societial structure do you not!?
If you say no then I ask you to consider what would have been your fate had you not been taken care of until such time that you had grown enough to be able to take care of yourself!.
So if you benifit from social structure does it not stand to reason for one to conclude that the rules of society are in your interests!?
Wrong may be inaccurate as a word to use but unwise illadvise may be better and think if these words do not suffice then certianly word the word irrational!.
So murder is irrational, it maybe said that one can imagine a circumstance where murder is justified but often we do not call these case murder so much as self deffence!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A person lacking in empathy would be struggling with the same issue!. If you subtract “God” or any higher being from the argument, empathy is extremely significant!.

Main Entry: em?pa?thy
Pronunciation: \?em-p?-thē\
Function: noun

1: the action of understanding, being aware of, being sensitive to, and vicariously experiencing the feelings, thoughts, and experience of another!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Each society determines what rules/laws they will live by, our society has determined that murder, the violent act of ending another human beings life, is one of those things that are "wrong"!.
The potential that each living being has to offer to the world should be viewed as valuable!. When a society determines that ending the life of another is of no consequence, then you have anarchy where no one is safe or has any freedom!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Have you ever killed someone, yourself!? I have known several people who have killed, more than once!. It is a horrendous way to spend the rest of your life!. Because this has side affect that last until you die, yourself!. You can't sleep without shaking and shuddering, ever!. You have nightmares and wake up with the sweats almost every night!. Some people wear layers of clothes, year round regardless of the heat!. Some shake and are extremely paranoid 24/7!. The torment you suffer for the rest of your life for taking another, is almost unbearable! Why do you think there are so many suicides in the armed services today!? There are more today, than ever before, at least in the history of the U!.S!. I would rather take my own life than the life of another, no matter what they did to me!Www@QuestionHome@Com

well, i don't know how great my answer is going to be, but i'll give it a shot!. I think that people know murder is wrong because of their built-in conscience!. People can sense when things are wrong, they feel as though they shouldn't be doing something!. Of course, if you ignore that feeling it'll become weaker and weaker until it eventually diminishes!. But murder, no one can say that they think it's right, unless they've ignored their conscience so much that it's gone away!. If you were to ask a child if murder was wrong, they wouldn't even have to think about it, they would KNOW it was completely unacceptable!. Their conscience is still totally intact!.
So, since we have been given a measuring tool for what is right and what is wrong, we have to guide people who have completely ignored their conscience until it's gone away!.

I'm not sure i made any sense or i was even staying on topic!.!.!. but i tried! :(Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hmm, would you be offended if I killed you!? Face it, people are savage beings who, without enforced laws, would kill each other as soon as they became upset!. A civilized world would be an ideology therefore, to keep the peace, we say murder is wrong so that for the most part, we get to hang out with our friends and families without impending fear!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No one can say what or who is wrong or right, its just like swear words who the **** ever said **** was a bad word its just a word, Whatever you do no matter what your going to make someone mad at the same time it could just make someone else pleased!.
I think the damn Christians made it up these rules!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because "wrong" means hurting something!. Be definition, killing is wrong!. Simple English, really!. If you're looking at this on a deeper level, it's simply because morals are based on human instinct, and if something goes against instinct, it's "wrong"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!. man has made it a firm, strict principle to be lived by by all based on the Bible

2!. people don't want to die/are afraid to die

3!. ppl like being treated kindly to -- murder is not kindWww@QuestionHome@Com

Because no Human being deserves to die, by being killed by another human being!.

It's part of the Human Rights, & best of all It's the Law!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

cuz people dont wanna dieWww@QuestionHome@Com

its okay to kill people for the right priceWww@QuestionHome@Com