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Position:Home>Philosophy> Can the modern economy continue indefinitely? What is its impact on the living w

Question: Can the modern economy continue indefinitely!? What is its impact on the living world!?
Use specific examples if possible to support your answerWww@QuestionHome@Com

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As long as there is hard working individuals it will continue!. As long as Americans have an American industry which by the way is a scary place there's not much industry left in America!. And if you don't believe me look at where things are made on the bottom or sides of packages it says china japan germany and so on!. I have yet to see a package in ten years that has said the Us!. But if you can show me it would surprise me!. The impact is severe people are dieing while politicans lobby over wars overseas and in america!. People are starving to death because they can't find jobs here and they can't find jobs anywhere in the world!. Its a price we all must pay for greed at the hands of our world leaders!. Its like everyone said 911 was unexpected and I wonder how!. The Us has been borrowing money for years now!. I do not see how this had to do with freedom!. 3000 people lost there lives that day because some politicain hopped a plane and decide he wanted money without paying it back!. Thieves in islam are soon to be on the top of the list in jihad!. I think the Us should tell the truth make things right to not just islam but others as well and expecally the 911 victims!. If its a lie that people had to die for then why would anyone tell the truth about the war the economy the drug war and gang wars in america!. Passing the buck as its called is why we suffer when our hand gets caught in the cookie jar we have to blame someone else!. I think it can continue indefinitely as long as we are honest and love our fellow american, and globlal neigbors!. We only have one world and if we take care of it we won't live on it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Economies are like weapons!. There is always a better one coming round the bend, pointed at your way of life!. If the products and services we now have are perfect then capitalism is wrong, and the products and services we have now are wrong!. If the products and services we have now are inferior, then capitalism will seek out a shorter line between to points and the economy will change!.

Can you tell yet that I am talking outtamyass!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

indefinitely!? I don't think so!. the problem is that eventually the basic raw materials needed to sustain our current style of living will be all used up, or nearly, causing huge changes in the value of objects, resorting more to a what is necessary rather than leisurely style of economy!. probably many people would die during this period, maybe a similar style could be maintained!. i don't know, i think for me to have a strong opinion about it i'd have to think about it more and even then, i'd probably be wrong!. it's hard to tell what would happen, would there be a revolution!? all the wealthy attacked for their riches!? would there even still be money if all we are trying to get is food!? or would we go back to bartering!? at what point would our depletion of ressources require that we truly change our habits!?

but this would all be assuming that our current economic model doesn't destroy the planet first!.

think about it!. a "good" economy, is the one that many people are consuming in!. many people buying and selling!. a great quantity of depleted ressources!.

so a "good" economy is the economy that depletes quickly!.
that seems like nothing more than a play on words to me!. making something bad sound good!.!. by calling it good!.

because truly, to me, a good economy would be the one that depletes resources at a rate even to the rate at which they replenish!.

if they deplete faster than they replenish, at some point, something is going to give, things will become rare, some things that we have learned to depend on!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Today's economy would be in a gradual downfall, but may climb back up as we find alternatives and solve conflict at Iraq, as i suppose!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com