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Position:Home>Philosophy> Can you explain the infinity of space better then this?

Question: Can you explain the infinity of space better then this!?
The only way I can even begin to grasp the infinity of space is to go towards the horizon and no matter what I try to do to get closer to the horizon its always there in front of me as far away before as it was when I started towards it!. The only difference between where I start and where I end up is that ounce I was there and now I am here!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You are always here, no matter where you go!. Now if space stretches infinitely in all directions from where we are, does that not place us here at the centre of infinity at all times!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I could if you specify whose understanding of the infinity of space you're referring to, i!.e!. which philosopher's!?

[added later] Okay, but how am I to explain your view on space to you better than you know it yourself!?!? Okay fine, that's a little smartmouthed of me!. I'll put it to you this way: first, how do you know that it is infinite!? How would you be able to know!? You never experience space as infinite, you only see and feel whatever space surrounds you at a given time!. Even if you consult with NASA, you cannot possibly see every millimeter of space at once to verify that it is all there and that it is infinite!. The real problem is with how you would know!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Nothing is infinite!.!.!. Space is contained within itself!.!.!.
The universe is a donut shaped blast-ring!.!.!. Beyond that are many other universes!.!. so it would seem that infinity (verb) is to fathom incomprehensible expanse, because you are too small to encompass it, nor behold it all, save for in little pieces compatible with your size, and ability to process thought!.!.!.
Only death is infinitive!.!.!. Everything that ends becomes infinitive; therefore infinity does not exist, but in the dreams of those who believe themselves to be gods!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

To be everywhere and nowhere at once!. Taking in the whole of nothing and reversing what you do not know to make it known!. Seeing as through the eye of a star for where there is there is not and where there is not there is!. Walking through the void to meet yourself when you are already there!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The infinity that you refer to is like a fish in the midst of an ocean being unable to see the edges of the water!.

Space may have boundaries, we don't know!. We hypothesize that it stretches out to infinity!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i like the thought, nice metaphor!. it describes infinite space well!.

but technically space isn't infinite!. it has an edge that is constantly growing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

space has been "proven" finite!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

When we does'nt know an answer, whatever we assume is a right answer as far as we are concerned!. Philosophically you are right!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

BRAVO , a very intelligent explanation!. Maybe it's also can be in a state of expansion and depletion!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Just realize it is so vast it goes on forever!. I would say the more you go out the faster it goes and farther away it gets!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

so this are only baby games near what really isWww@QuestionHome@Com

Wow! I have never heard it explained better than that!. You actually make it sound plausible!. But unfortunately, it is a fallacy!.

"There is a use of [the concept] “infinity” which is valid, as Aristotle observed, and that is the mathematical use!. It is valid only when used to indicate a potentiality, never an actuality!. Take the number series as an example!. You can say it is infinite in the sense that, no matter how many numbers you count, there is always another number!. You can always keep on counting; there’s no end!. In that sense it is infinite—as a potential!. But notice that, actually, however many numbers you count, wherever you stop, you only reached that point, you only got so far !. !. !. !. That’s Aristotle’s point that the actual is always finite!. Infinity exists only in the form of the ability of certain series to be extended indefinitely; but however much they are extended, in actual fact, wherever you stop it is finite!."
Leonard Peikoff, “The Philosophy of Objectivism”
lecture series (1976), Lecture 3!.

The universe IS finite, because it is measureable!. The finite cannot be measureable!.
"Using the Hubble telescope, two international teams of astronomers are reporting major progress in converging on an accurate measurement of the universe's rate of expansion — a value that has been debated for over half a century!. "