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Position:Home>Philosophy> What is your stand point on artificial life?

Question: What is your stand point on artificial life!?
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I am for itWww@QuestionHome@Com

Artificial is, I guess, meant to juxtapose "real life"!. Any life is life whether it is created "naturally" or "artificially"!. We get far too caught up in this distinction!.

I would welcome a clone of myself!. I think it would be a phenomenal example of the ability of our species!.

It's issues like this that really test the conservativeness of many people!. I could care less if I was conceived in a uterus or a test tube!. I would still be alive!. I would still be me and I would still meet all the criteria of being alive or a life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Artificial life is grown from petroleum chemistry in the next periodic chart of the elements!.!.!. I hold the formulas to create those chemicals to grow androids, PC's worn on the arm as skin-grafts, and synthetic replacement organs!.!. but the world isn't ready for it, and they are burning the oil that's worth 10-grand a barrel, as an expendable power source, when burning light will fulfill all our power requirements for free!.!.!.

The more oil we burn, the less artificial life we will be able to create!.!.!.

In topic anatomically perfect androids, I would prefer a synthetic woman to the real things!.!.!. A plastic woman you can mute, and switch Off, and it recharges itself, and is obedient!.!.!.

The real woman can be fickle, and you must wine and dine, and entertain, and not make any mistake with!.!.!. Or you will wish you had an android instead!.!.!.
Real women too often carry and transfer deadly diseases!.!.!.
Playing with a real woman can be a death sentense!.!.!.
They just aren't worth the risk these days!.!.!. In some ways one can supplement for what woman brings to the moment, with just a hand!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it's not whether or not it exists that would bother me!. it's how we use it!. and in all likelihood like many other things we have learned to produce, it will be misused!.

but it would probably bring about many positive things it would be used for as well!.

i think this is the same will all technology of man, and before we start going around inventing more stuff and creating more things, we should stop and think about it and plan more carefully!. in that regard i think it would be a bad idea, especially because you can be sure it will be profitable, and competition will be fighting to own it as soon as possible and that means it will be sold too soon!. too soon to foresee the implications!.

intelligent life though is another story!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't have a stand point!. I think mine is laying down!. Is that all right!? Anyway, how do you tell the difference between a point that is standing and one that is laying down!? That could be a serious point of contention!.

As for life, life is life no matter its source!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I highly suggest going to yahoo video and type in the words ''Robot Evolution"!.It will show you a very amazing video on this matter!.I agree with Skatta!.As for artificial life as in cloning,it wouldn't bother me!.But once again i agree with that Skatta fellow!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

there is nothing artificial about life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Consciousness is artifice!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is closer than most people realizeWww@QuestionHome@Com