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Position:Home>Philosophy> If water tastes like nothing, what does nothing taste like?

Question: If water tastes like nothing, what does nothing taste like!?
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Well I'd have to disagree!.!. bottled water may taste like nothing, tap water may taste like chlorine, but real pure spring water tastes like many different things, depending on the spring!.!.!.

There is a small spring that trickles out of a rocky alcove and tumbles into a tiny stream filled with glittering rocks, all around are mossy logs and fringed ferns all enclosed in a moist and shady atmosphere pierced by rays of sunshine!. The water from that spring tastes like moss, and the smell of fresh rain on hot rock, and ice mixed with a dose of sunshine and shadow!.!.

The other spring I know of bubbles up from the ground into a clear pool of ice cold water, you can watch the water bubble up through the sand in the bottom and the water is so clear and cold it magnifies everything in the pool!. That water tastes like a hint of sulfur, and rain on dust, and a bit like a marshy wetland!.!.

How could I forget water from a hose!? It has that slight metallic taste that makes it so much more enjoyable to drink!.!. who doesn't prefer water out of the hose!?!?

The great thing about water is that it has many different tastes, depending upon where it comes from!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You're equivocating on the word "nothing"!. The statement "water tastes like nothing" is one that says there is nothing which contains taste which can be compared in order to give you a better idea of what water tastes LIKE!. It's not one that treats nothing as some actual thing that has existence!.

Really, it's just laziness!. The lack of proper clarification!. "Water doesn't taste like anything which has taste" would be a better way of putting it; however, being lazy we just say "nothing"!.

Hope this helps!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, water in its pure, natural state offers no taste, just the sensation of wetness and whatever temperature it has!.

The tongue has taste buds that react to different compounds and such, but hydrogen and oxygen don't cause any reaction!.

But, water that's run through pipes has a metallic taste to it!. Purified water has the taste of the chemicals used to ensure it's clean!. I guess I'd say water tastes a bit like calcium, iron, chlorine, and depending on where it's from, some type of organic material, as well!. Occasionally it has the unpleasant taste of dirt!.

As for "nothing," anything that tastes like "nothing" has to be developed of compounds that your tongue can't react to!. I'd say there's more a sensory to it than a taste!. But when it comes to water, "nothing" will often resemble whatever else is on your tongue -- sediment and a bit of an aftermath of whatever you last ate or drank!.

Nothing in general tastes like emptiness -- a lack of taste that we can't really experience, because we can't taste completely pure water, or completely pure anything, for that matter!.


In order for something to taste like nothing, it must be completely pure and comprised only of compounds that the tongue can recognize!. Unharmful substances such as water cannot be found in pure form -- but harmful substances can!. It's most likely that the only substances we can actually obtain in their pure state will be toxic, and therefore to taste them guarantees death!. Carbon monoxide, for instance!.!. Colorless, tasteless, odorless, and it doesn't have any affect on the thickness of air in such a way we would notice!.!. you won't ever taste it, and if you DO find yourself in a position to taste it, you will die!.

Therefore, death!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you can't really get water that tastes like nothing because as soon as it's exposed to the atmosphere it gets a microscopic addition to taste even if your brain doesn't register it!. but there is no way to describe nothing because nothing doesn't have a color its not white or black there would just be nothing but it wouldn't be transparent either!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


If there is nothing I can't drink anything!.

Yet, I can drink tasteless water

If there is water!?

But to drink nothing!.!.!.!.and will be R!.I!.P!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Chemically treated orange juice!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

who said water taste like nothing!?
it tastes like water, water has taste!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


Like water!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

like your mouth with a liquid in it!.!.!.

you can drink nothing!.!.!.

answer: death!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

nothing tastes like water!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it doesnt taste like nothing it tastes like waterWww@QuestionHome@Com

ehatd ---> hated

Hated!? Nothing tastes like hate!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you water taste like nothing try drinking air and see if it quenches your thirst!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Dang it!.

Someone already said my answer!Www@QuestionHome@Com


no thing!?Www@QuestionHome@Com