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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you love with your heart or mind?

Question: Do you love with your heart or mind!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I love with all that I have!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.*wink*Www@QuestionHome@Com

Love is the response from the heart when all of the prerequisites for that response are present, including love from the other or others for whom one feels love!. Love from the heart is not something which comes forth by willing it to do so!. One cannot force his self or herself to love that which one does not like!. The mind cultivates, nurtures, and protects the love which the heart feels and receives!. It is through the decisions of the mind that will has an influence on the maintenance, development, and survival of the heart felt love!. Unwise and casual decisions can lead to the demise of the effortless heartfelt love which exists!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

When you say 'heart' in your question, you likely don't mean the fluid pump that is nested in our chests, but likely some sort of emotive entity that likely is within our mind (and by mind, I don't mean the physical brain)!.

So, if that sort of 'heart' is used for anything (like 'love'), it would not be possible to say that the heart loves independent of the mind - since the former is a subset (or the identity) of the latter!.

The metaphorical emotive 'heart' can't be divorced from the mind!. So, you always use your mind - whether you like it or not!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Both!. You "feel" love!. And when we say that we say it's a "heart-felt" love - but emotion actually stems from the brain and brain chemicals!.!.!.

Still, it takes half a brain to act properly on that feeling, which is a funny thing when you consider an idiot can act appropriately to the feeling of rage!. If you love you might want to act upon it by doing things that are "loving" as they pertain to the circumstance!. This is where your ability to think things through comes into play, because you'll need to discern the actions that accompany your feelings and make sure they line up!.

Like when you're overwhelmed with an undying love for someone who's married with children!. It would actually be UNloving to act on your feelings in that circumstance!. You need a brain and some self-discipline to act appropriately under those circumstances!.

Or when you are married to someone you're supposed to love, but you no longer feel that glorious, honeymoon glow - you've got to think through your love, remind yourself that this is your faithful partner of umpteen years, even if he is hairy and scratchy and pot-bellied now!. You've built a life together, learned how to trust one another, shared everything, and even without the emotion present all hours of the day - somehow you know you still love that person!. Your mind reminds you these things are true!.

You love your children with all your heart, but this is useless if you waste your life away from home chasing down your own dreams, or drinking heavily, or using your own life badly!. This type of love requires a lot of thought and much self-sacrifice in order to make it valid!. If you're not careful in this situation, though your heart swells with love whenever you see your child, it's hipocritical and vain because love REQUIRES certain actions in order for it to be meaningful in any way!. If you screw up with your kids, they'll immediately perceive that you DON'T love them, even if you "feel" that you do!.

No matter how much or how little you "feel" love in your heart, it's your thoughts and words and actions that truly display how accurate those "feelings" are in the end!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you cannot love anyone until you love yourself,

in my oppion not many humans even know them selfs to love!.

i feel we bring about the experience of feeling, "good or bad"
otherwise how do we know how we feel e!.g death, hate, love,

experience of life will bring you to identify all you are is love, love of the heart not the mind!.

the soul xWww@QuestionHome@Com

The heart is a mussel use to pump blood to the various parts of the body, however throughout the centuries it has been nominated as the center of ones emotion, the mind is your personal brain functions that are actually closer to the real "YOU"!.!.!.however, I love with my soul!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You love with both!. Love comes from the heart but is carried out with the mind!. And the mind is what causes your heart to love because it is those things that you see in the person or know about the person that you love with your heart!. It's a combined working of the two in perfect sync!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Personally: with my heart!. Even when my mind doesn't want to!. And it's killing me now!.
My heart wants to love two people, only one of which is my girlfriend!.
My head is very much against that but does not seem to be strong enough to resist, it's really struggling!.
My heart doesn't seem to care much for outside input, especially when she tells me she doesn't love me back!. It only makes my head struggle harder!.!.!.

Haha, look at what I'm saying here, you should become a psych!. making me tell all of this!. Ah well, bless the anonymity of Internet

Hope this (nut-)case helps in your study of love!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Love has its own reasons that the reason knows not of!. Mind works on reason whereas “heart” does not need/want any reason!. So, I suppose, I love with my “heart”!. If my mind had its way, I wouldn’t love at all…for my mind, love is a useless thing!. But of course, in such matters, I let my silly “heart” rule…Www@QuestionHome@Com

Love is a choice
many who have lived in adverse suffering have chosen to love those who abused and mistreated them because of the love of Christ!.
The heart is where the choice is turned into emotion and carried out through actionWww@QuestionHome@Com

We love with our hearts because it doesn't need logic to accept love!. It doesn't need reason to open up!. Our heart is the box of emotion that exists to freely give away!. Our heart is open to give and receive love!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I believe you love with your soul which I'm thinking now i mean my now is a bit of both with a little help from above(the above part -I and mankind are still trying to figure out)Thanks for the question and good day!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

First, with my mind and then with my heart!. My mind signals the things I like about someone, then the heart takes over!. In the case, I'm not sure if either came first, but both at the same time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

http://www!.heartmath!.org and http://www!.integralscience!.org are worthwhile!.

"Soul Mates and Twin Flames," Elizabeth Clare Prophet, and
"Sexual Force or the Winged Dragon," O!. M!. Aivanhov!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

neither and both as a true love comes from the entirety of ones being!. from the depths of the soul to the very tips of hair on ones head!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

How many cliches do you have left!? Physically with you mind, idiomatically with your heart!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Love is dependence -- a product of the mind!.

The heart circulates blood through the body!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

its like ask if you love with your body or mind
the answer is that you love with your body, mind and soul!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My mind!. But it makes me feel like it's my heart!. But really my heart has to keep my mind going!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

As love has degrees it could be with both or one of them or with neither!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love with everything I've got!. That's just how I roll!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am both because then you will have everythingWww@QuestionHome@Com

i love with my heart, but my mind gets in the way!.!.!.eeerrr!Www@QuestionHome@Com

i believe !.!.!.heart is the soft situation of mind!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

your mind, your heart just pumps blood!.Www@QuestionHome@Com



I love with my soul :-)Www@QuestionHome@Com

With my heartWww@QuestionHome@Com

Heart and soulWww@QuestionHome@Com

I love my mind with all my heart!.Www@QuestionHome@Com