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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why are religious people so arrogant, they think they know it all. Telling you t

Question: Why are religious people so arrogant, they think they know it all!. Telling you this will happen or that!.!?
Where is your evidence!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I know and understand where you are coming from with this Dave D!. It really annoys me too!. At the end of the day I have my beliefs and would never try to force them onto someone else - unless someone asks me the question I generally do not talk about religion!. To me, religion is something special and private, I don't need to shout it from the rooftops so that all the world can hear 'my decision to believe' - I don't think THIS is what God intended!. Unfortunately there are always those people out there that are self opinionated to the extreme and cannot stand the fact that not everyone is going to jump on board and take on their opinion!. There is and will never be any proof as to whether God exists so I can't understand why people still continue to fight about it!. To me it is comforting to know that I will again be reunited with my family in heaven once I die - this is what I would like my children (if I have any) to believe but I will obviously let them choose their own path - as I do with others I meet!. Believers and non believers should all respect each others opinion and choice in this matter!. What a great question!. Unfortunately, there seems to be more religions idiots on here than anywhere else - by ranting the way they do and with the things that they say, I think they start to turn God and religion into something that it isn't and was never meant to be!. xWww@QuestionHome@Com

from the looks of things you don't have to be religious to see "things thery are a chagin" in respect to this and that!. i think people are a little more un nervy= and i think the evidence you seek will be found in the future, and they will call it history== right now we call it history in the making=Www@QuestionHome@Com

Same as atheists, to me, atheists seems more arrogant!.

Atheists cant accept that our science is still at an infant stage!. Do you think you can come up with the right answer when the equation you are using is faulty and not complete!? No!. But assuming you do is what you call "arrogant"!. Same goes with believers!.

They also think atheists are more intelligent than believers, how is this not arrogant!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm not sure what religious people you talk to!. But they shouldn't be arrogant cause arrogance is a sin!. They're just talking about what they read in the Bible and more than likely are new to religion!. Cause God doesn't like arrogence or self richousness!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They think they work for Jesus or something, half of them probably dont even go to church an havnt read the bible! Were is the proof everything in the bible is true!?!?

i;e- i was led to belive that film ''a tue fairy tale'' was a true story, only to find out the other day it was a made up lie, the 2 girls admited they made it up!. I was distraught lol! my point is whos to say somebody didnt just make the bible up!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

why do you let this bother you!?

I believe very much!.!.!.I am not the type of person who is going to hound on people to make them believe though!. But also you asking where is your evidence is just opening doors for everyone!. I would just have to tell people you have your beliefs and I have mine!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i am deeply religious but not arrogant,
i believe god is one and people can choose their path to be close to him as they like!.
religious people are not arrogant!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

they r arrogant because ppl have no respect for their religion and beliefs!.
maybe if we were all a bit more respectful towards this subject than this wouldnt bother u n it wouldnt be such a problem in society!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There goes the philosopher calling the religious arrogant!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Their arrogance is based on erroneous notions of superiority! They think they will get their rewards in heaven!. Hypocrites a lot of them!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Don't generalise so bloody much, what a boring and very vague question!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

because they are told that , and they beleive it will!.!.!. and when trained to do something you need no evidenceWww@QuestionHome@Com

I think its called faith!Www@QuestionHome@Com

because they are hiding their true colorsWww@QuestionHome@Com

One word:


To each their own!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because they are connected to God and God knows it all!. Wouldn't you know !? :o)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Its not arrogant for anyone to believe what they believe!.

You believe religious people are wrong!.!.!. what gives you the right to make that assessment!? Its arrogant of you to criticize them for it!. Arent you being arrogant by acting as though others are wrong!?

Its okay if you dont want to believe in God!. But dont come on here and preach anti-religion hate as though you know what youre talking about

Atheists are at least just as arrogant!. Religion teaches humility!.!.!. the religious also recognize the power of faith!. But the atheist actually have their beliefs rationalized, ignorantly thinking that science proves atheism!.

Has any Christian ever threatened you with hell!? Seriously!? Has anyone ever said those words to you!? Or are you the one offended by the consequences of failing to believe!?

It is not wrong for the Christians to spread their gospel - it is a part of their doctrine to do so, essential to the practice of the faith!. Anything short would be failure to be Christian!. I have no issues with them making the attempt!. I am more offended if they dont try!. Ask the individual to stop preaching to you!.!.!. if they are real Christians they will respect your wish!. But dont be a moron - Christians dont share one group consciousness!.!.!. if you tell one off, they all arent going to know!. Treat them each like a person, with respect!.

Move to America then!. More Christians, they say, but they dont threaten you either!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't know who you are referring to but i'm going to give you something to read!. I am 19, a female!. And I am a born again christian!. I don't consider myself "religious"!. Or it a religion!. Simply because wat I have wit jesus christ is a relationship!. He has changed my life!. My evidence!? Glad you asked, the bible, he spoke to all these men in great gaps of time and none of which contradicts itself!. Scolars have dedicated their lives to trying to prove the bible wrong!. Failed!. Many of the events that are in the bible have happened!. God is good, he is love!. People complaint they don't understand and that they went to church and it was "hella gay" People have to listen, open their hearts and just listen to the word!. It will make sense then!. I used to not understand any of it, theres many parables in the bible but just open your heart!. Anyway anyone who forces thoughts and what not, that is wrong!. People have a choice, and Jesus Christ died so that we have the chance at eternal life in heaven!. Of course, it is up to you whether you choose a glorified life!. Not them!. Good luck friend!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not all religious people are arrogant, but the arrogant individuals tend to stand out because they can be offensive!. In my opinion arrogance comes from a deep fear and insecurity!. Convincing others that they are right is a way for some of them to convince themselves that they are right!. I absolutely feel that everyone has the right to believe whatever they choose and live their lives however they choose as long as they exercise respect for others!. I don't think anyone should try to convert someone through fear, judgment or prejudice!. There's no love in that, therefor (I feel) there's no friggin' point!. I understand your frustration, but it's best to not lump all faiths and believers into one category!. If you don't like being told you're a sinner by a stranger, I'm sure that strangers don't appreciate you telling them that if they're religious they must be arrogant as well!. Don't let it get you too flustered, really!. Just laugh, it's not personal and they're not out to get you even if it may seem so!. It may just be their upbringing, or a coping mechanism or who knows what!. The point is that it doesn't matter, and you don't have to care!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

People are arrogant when they are not open to other points of view, yes!? People become arrogant about anything when they are afraid and they cling to one thing!. So to help reinforce their false sense of self-assurance, they go around putting on airs and sounding over-confident to compensate for their fear!. If the people you talk about would just admit that they are doubtful and afraid like everyone else regardless of faith etc!., they would be different people!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you where an alien who flew in and where told about any religion it would seem hilarious to you!. What makes a religion strong is its ability to adapt and change position when confronted with point blank facts that directly contradicts a previous position!.

Position A) our magical god will come down from his god place in the next 10 years to reclaim the earth!. He told it so and so it will come to pass because it’s in his text!.

50 years later…oh well he said he doesn’t want to be greedy and come too early; he is giving you all a chance to repent first cause he is a nice god!. (Position A changed to skirt around a clearly false claim)

2000 years later…!.Yep well when he said he was coming in 10 years, yeah well actually he was just joking and er, yeah it’s like a test for your faith and stuff!.

Position B) Religious interpretation of straight forward text is a tricky and confusing matter only really clever god loving people can understand!. If you don’t love him truly and are not filled with his magical spirit it just won’t make sense to you!.

Now depending on the glasses your wearing this is either not arrogant at all, or completely arrogant and offensive due to the fact that when confronted with your own religions failed prophecy you make up nutty excuses, and get really upset when ever somebody asks for something silly like proof!.

Would you get into a teleporting device that you where told “works just fine” or would you think it prudent to ask for proof!? Would you be angry if the scientist said OF COURSE IT WORKS, I HAVE FAITH!. Would you then step into it without testing and would you find him to be arrogantWww@QuestionHome@Com