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Position:Home>Philosophy> I want peace! ~ Drop the "I", drop the "want" and you have..

Question: I want peace! ~ Drop the "I", drop the "want" and you have!.!.!.!.!?
!.!.!.peace!? what does that refer to!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
*Be* peace!. There is no need to strive and there is no "I!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

This is a romantic attempt to explain how our ego and consequent desires disturb our mental peace!.!.!.!. but there is a flaw in this catchy way of saying it!.!.!.!. if you can drop the "I", there is no further need to drop the "want", because it would be simultaneously eliminated with the dropping of "I"!.
The simple and straight formula is to control ego to maximize happiness!.!.!. there is no need to add frills onto this simple formula thereby running the risk of debilitating or even disabling it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Peace!. It refers to dropping of the ego, a fictitious entity that is rushing to carve an identity for the self out of ephemeral stuff, the identity getting process that is thoroughly not needed as we are already endowed with a marvellous and unique identity by the Nature!. Peace is disturbed because of ego not helping us to be our true self, that genuine identity jewelled by the Nature for each one of us!. Hence, drop the ego, peace dawn on us for ever as established in ones self is the only way to get the lasting peace!Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you drop the "I" and the "want", then all the humans are dead, so there is no more need of peace, which is an essentially human construct!. To me, "peace" is all about humans saying, "Wait a minute, we are smarter than our basic biological imperative to stake our claim and pass on our DNA; we can accomplish so much more than that if we all work together!" (Cue Barney theme music)!. Peace is the triumph of mind over matter!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well my personal opinion is that many people say "I want peace" but maybe 1% or maybe noone truly mean it because people don't undestand what peace is!. "Peace" is not the oposite of "War", "peace" is something really hard to describe!.!.!.!.it's something beyond the word :)!.!.!.you need to have respect for everything that surrounds you, even a tiny ant or an object because it's perfect in its essence!.You need to truly understand what the world is, what does being a human mean,whats your purpose in this life, you need to live in harmony with everything that's around you and maybe then we'll have peace!.I hope I'll find out what peace feels like some day!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Peace without "I" or "want" is the state of harmonious congruency with All That Is as it is, the unpartitioned, wholistic, full-force quality of Love streaming "currently" (both energetically and in the Now) through each of us as Its agents of manifestation!.!.!.what we call "life!." In Peace, we meet Life on Its terms without expectation, judgment, and attachment!.!.!.in this way we are in agreement with It, without questioning or resistance or the need to change it to suit our ego-identified selves!. Peace is Love is Light is Source is All That Is!.

i am SiriusWww@QuestionHome@Com

Easier said than done!

Dropping 'want' is possible/feasible but dropping 'I' is unachievable!. If we do that, we'll be free from this cycle of birth & death, become nothing!

We won't even need peace then!. Somehow it brings 'Graveyard' to my mind!. Though I know you mean we should drop our 'ego' and shouldn't run after fulfillling our 'needs' blindly!. But the way you put it is oversimplification of a complex issue!.

May Peace BE with You!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Can there be "peace" w/o an "I" to experience it!?

Because isn't "peace" just a label of an experience of one's state of being!? And what is such an experience, w/o it's inverse to give it its definition!?

What is any experience, w/o the experiencer!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

So this is a bit of word play telling us we're all selfish and that, what, socialism, some kind of community-ism will make things better!? Who knows!? What I know is that if I follow your implied path and am not content, you'll owe!. Don't say you won't, because that would be selfish!. Making me unhappy is still selfish, no matter the benefit stemming from my sacrifice!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Selflessness is different from heedlessness!.
Detachment is different from unconsciousness!.
Peace is different from death!.
Yes, peace is a state of living progress without attachment to self!.


As long as people have differing opinions there will never be a true peace, and that's not a bad thing!. A lack of peace has ultimately led to some of the greatest advances in society!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Left would be, only "peace"!? I'm afraid that lovely, lofty word would benefit from YOU and I, want peace!. Alone it is a state of being but how could it be sustained without your efforts and mine to want it to BE!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Buddhist understanding of non-being, the true reality of all that is and the peace attained through such an understanding!.

Be well!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Drop the "I" and the "want" and you have no person, therefore no motivation, therefore no movement toward what can only be had by "I's" and by "wants!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

Peace is what we all hope for!. In peace there is happiness!. That's what we have to live for to attain true happiness in this world!.

Thanks for asking!. Have a great day!Www@QuestionHome@Com

peace can mean alot of things usuallly when i hear the word peace i think of happiness and a sence of completion within your self, being at peace is wonderful, but sadly very few people atually can say they live at peaceWww@QuestionHome@Com

haha!. i like your statement!.

i also notice you have a lotus as your avatar!. do you know it has a special meaning in Buddhism!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think it means that by being altruistic, (dropping I), and controling desire (dropping want), you get peace!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

INTELLIGENTLY THOUGHTS!. Actually my answer to your question is below( know your source ) :Www@QuestionHome@Com

dropping I ~ droping de ego
dropping want ~ droping de desires
so u get peace
nice work dude!Www@QuestionHome@Com

peace , freedom , justice , love!.!.!.!.etc!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Peace is that which is left however there must be a united desire for peace to be realized!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the residue,which is peace!.It refers to the self!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you drop the I and the want then you have peace!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

perfect PEACEWww@QuestionHome@Com

Drop the 'I' and one has Release, true Ultimate Peace!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


As " I " dropped, now " I have no peace", you have!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


Didn't Buddha tell us that desire ( "I want" ) is the basis of all suffering!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

peace if mind!?Www@QuestionHome@Com