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Position:Home>Philosophy> I am a very strong woman (i.e. mentally) and this seems to offend/bother my fami

Question: I am a very strong woman (i!.e!. mentally) and this seems to offend/bother my family members!.!?
How do I handle this!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
HELL YES!!!!!!!!!!!
I wish some of the females in my family were more like that!.Instead of insecure,miserable,dont understand how to listen types!.
POWER TO YOU!Remain strong and hopefully many many females will pick up on this concept!.Theres nothing more attractive than an intellegent,strong minded and driven woman!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This is a great question but a tough one to answer for someone who doesn't know your family!. I personally have two daughters and if they grow to be "strong women" then I will be thrilled!. Perhaps you can start by asking open ended questions to your family members that appear offended or bothered!. Such as; What is about my strong-will and determination that seems to bother you the most!? How do you think I can I remain strong and focused while not offending or bothering you!? It saddens me to see you offended by my strong, determined personality, how can we change that!?

Is it possible that perhaps you might just be feeling this way or was something said that led you to believe your strong-will seems to offend/bother someone in your family!? Certainly, don't apologize for who you are, for as I am sure, you know how important it is for women to be strong, capable and accountable!. However, by asking some of these questions, it might offer you more insight as to why they feel that way and then it is up to you to decide if you want to or need to "tone it down" in front of your family, or if you family is perhaps insecure and a bit envious of your strong-will!. I think you can still remain strong but respectful, don't you!? Good Luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is probably not your strength that offends them, but how you you use it!. Whenever there is a conflict, ask yourself how you can be of help to them!. If you help them, then these conflicts will largely disappear, everyone will be happier, and you will have empowered yourself even more!. Consider your family conflicts to be a gambling game in which you have two choices: you can be right, OR you can win, but not both!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There is a difference between strong, and overly opinionated, , know it all, overbearing, domineering!. Maybe there is something you need to learn about yourself in order to get along better - maybe not!. I'm not saying you are any of those things!. It's just not clear what you mean by mentally strong!.

It may be as simple as not offering opinions unless they are asked for!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ignore them and be who you are!. You can't change how they take you, they're not offended/bothered by you, only by their own insecurities!. You can't cure their insecurity, only they can do that!.

If/when they give you grief about how strong you are, suggest they work on their self esteem and they'll back off!.

No one likes to have the root of their problems so bluntly exposed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think it's personality incompatability (check out the MBTI compatable table)!. There's nothing you can really do about it, you can't teach old dog new tricks!.

It's destiny, testing from God, mistake in evolution!.

Try to spend as little time with them as possible!. Treat them with those strategies you use on friends who have the same kind of conflicts with you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hehehe!. I know -that- problem only too well!.

The fact is that you can choose your friends and, to a certain extent, you can even choose your enemies!. But you're just plain 'stuck' with family!.

I always ignored and/or avoided them (as much as possible)!. And I haven't had any communication with any of them in the last 20+ years!.


yeah!.!.!.they were intimidated by you!.!.!.sometimes honey keep our opinion to ourselves!.!.!.!.being strong makes you in an argumentative position!.!.!. enough for them to be offended!. So give your opinion in a nice way and do not be pushy!.!.!.blend yourself!.!.!.!.you can still make your point without being pushy!.!.!.soften your words a little but with a big impact!.!.!. if you know what i mean!.!.!.!.meet them halfway!.!.!.good luck!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If they are male, they are intimidated!. Ignore it, be who you are!. If they are female they secretly envy you and are afraid of being themselves!. You have to decide is it worth not being who you are because they get offended!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Try to understand which of your behavior make them bother!. Talk to them and try to convince them that your strong ness is good for the family (if you are not dominating)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Just because people share a certain amount of genetic material with you doesn't mean their opinion of you is more valid or important than anyone else's!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Develop your wisdom! A mentally strong person should be wise enough to keep the peace in the family!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You should be proud of that and not worry about your family!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Don't let them get under your skin about this!. The problem is actually theirs, not yours!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It probably bothers them because they cannot control you!.!.!.they should be proud!.!.!.don't worry about it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you're strong, forget about them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you should ignore themWww@QuestionHome@Com

i agree with mr!. meWww@QuestionHome@Com