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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you base life's outcomes on luck?

Question: Do you base life's outcomes on luck!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
What is the point of; an education, of experience, of commitment, of any work at all, if luck is of the slightest consequence!?
I base outcomes on inputs; and efforts!.
I know what lies within myself generally, and try to offer help, right wrongs, solve issues to the best of my ability!. That is where the truth is found, within!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The limited intellectual capability of some so concentrates the attention upon chance that luck becomes a constant factor in their life!. Through the struggled for living, not for a standard of living; many live lives of peril in which chance plays an important role!. The constant dread of unknown and unseen calamity hangs over these souls as a cloud of despair which effectively eclipsed every pleasure; they live in constant dread of doing something that would bring bad luck!. Superstitious people always fear a run of good luck; they viewed such good fortune as a certain harbinger of calamity!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Like when you come under the truck or something!?!?C'mon, answer this one!. Is luck always intended for the good in life and the bad is for I aint lucky maaan!. So why not leave every thing to luck and you do what!?!?!? soak your feet in knee deep water or dry it in the sun n sand!?!?!? Y study then if you know the stars are with you or infact luck favours you!? Y not stay up the whole day and spend time with a whom!? a fortune teller and sleep peacefully until reality jolts you up and then you have your luck to blame!? Are you getting my point!? Nope!? The fortune teller will dry your well up and walk away cheerfull and you gat to blame you luck for that and with no money in your pocket what do you do now!? Work even harder to make the fortune teller richer or steal for him to tell you what!?!?!? Blame it all on your luck and award this guy for all the good in life!? Futility, all futile thinking!. And life will go on as this thing survives on the thick wallet of the 'rich'!. Does a rich need to be illiterate in order to do this!?Yes, my answer is yes!. So narrowing it all down , the educated and understanding are the ones who avoid the path of the Fools!. Short cuts in life, I dear say are deadly, but how many want to believe in this philosophy/ hello! I am well within my limits of the philosophy section to write my opinions here!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I keep changing my mind on this one!.

I am not financially well off!.
But I was LUCKY enough to be born in America!. So I believe like an American, that if I work hard, I deserve a paycheck!. It's not luck, it's a right!.

But in 3rd world starving countries, they don't have the luxury of expecting to see the fruits of their labor the way Americans do!. Is that not also their right!? Then why doesn't it happen!? Because they were unfortunate/unlucky enough to be born into poverty!.

Interesting question!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Poor people are unlucky, rich people are destined!.

If you have success you think you earned it or deserved it and poor folks are just lazy!.

If you have gotten the sore end of the stick, you think rich people are lucky bastards and you are just screwed!.

The reality is God has a plan for us all and in that plan Oprah gets the wheat and I get the chaff!. No luck, just a mean mean God!. (I'm actually alot better off then some Darfur refugees, so I'm glad that God is on MY SIDE!.) Thanks God!.

If I am lucky he will believe me!. (crosses fat little fingers!.)

PS: "Stella" is working class, "Someone" is well off!. Can you tell!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Outcomes are based on two factors:
That which I have control over, and
That which you have control over which affects my outcomes!.

Luck is the failure to recognize the role that each of us has and the impact we have on each other!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No!. I base it on the fact that I feel as if I'm boxed in and unable to find a way to break free from the chains that seem to bind me!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Theres no such things as luck!. Luck started with paranoid people!. If you walk under a ladder you will get bad luck, what ever!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

whenever you got lucky, you'll feel like that day is really meant for you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com