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Question: Is indecision rooted in wrong thinking patterns!?
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Indecision is the root of sabotage!.

In not making a decision a person ensures that they will not move forward in whatever endeavor may be at hand!.

It is a way to remain "stuck"!. Not moving forward!. Not moving backward!. It is a way to resist making change -- for the good, the bad or the indifferent!.

Indecision is rooted in what it means to actually make a decision!. When a decision we must accept that we might make an error, we might make a mistake, we might even accomplish something that is feared!. Indecision can avoid responsibility!. After all, if I don't decided, I can't be held accountable!.

Indecision can be fear-based!. Most fears are irrational, so the indecision is by extension irrational!.

Indecision in others is playing it safe and being unable or unwilling to take a risk!. Indecision is a way to involve others!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I dont really like how people get the notion that indecision is a negative word!.

people who are indecisive are often perceptive and have abstract thinking!. it doesnt mean you dont know how to decide, but you take importance in it because you can see all the sides of the situation analyzing your way on making the right decision possible!.

and at the end of the day, they made the right choice rather than rushing into things, life is about making the right choices!. its a gift than anything else!. are you a Libra in any chanceWww@QuestionHome@Com

yes i believe indecision is rooted in wrong thinking patterns!.!.!. i feel that "thinking patterns" in general are a construct of the thinking mind, which is often stuck in those patterns which serve NO purpose, but to lead to anger, resentment, self-loathing, or loathing of others!.

we are much too preoccupied with spending time & energy (physical & mental) on trying to change things rather than simply accept those things that we can not change -- like the past!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Indecision is brilliant!. Those who can actually hold two possible answers in their heads at the same time and neither fear nor favor one over the other get a tip of my hat!. I wish I had that ability!. The ability to sit in the "horns of a dilemma" is a rare gift, and one that I respect above all others!.

When I face a problem, it is like there is a giant arrow over the "right" answer and I can't even consider the other one!. I have made so many many foolish mistakes because I couldn't "see double!." I have an overactive moral and procedural compass and reality has a hard time interfering in my sense of correctness!.

Indecision is a gift!. If you have it, treasure it!. It allows a smooth transition from bad choices to better ones!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Libras always seem to have a problem with indecision!. Well, they usually don't see it as a problem, though!. Funny thing is, they also care about balance!. And, there definitely is a balance to be struck when it comes to one's ease or inhibition toward making decisions!. Too much indecision, though it has its noble aspects, is just plain annoying, and even rude, if you are making others wait!. Too little, and you're left with being to hasty and not really having a virtuous effort towards understanding things in the world or maximizing one's potential!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If and when indecision becomes a chronic or serious problem, the root of same is a lack of purity and clarity in mind, typically tied to emotional vacillation!.

In this chronic sense, indecision is a perversion of Mother!.

"Mindset," Dr!. Carol Dweck,
"Emotions: Transforming Anger, Fear and Pain," Marilyn Barrick, Ph!.D!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Indecision as a problem encountered under stressful conditions is usually a bad thing, but indecision as a character trait can be a sign of a good thing!.

I think indecision occurs in brains where all questions, problems, and decisions are broken down to the fundamental question of "why!?"
It happens in people who want to clarify what the goal is before moving forward!. Some may dismiss it as a form of paralysis, or a symptom of apathy, but isn't it what sets us apart from the animals!? Animals run on pure instinct, and have no clue why do what they do!. But humans HAVE the capacity to understand!. Why waste ourselves living like drones in a beehive, or ants in an anthill, when we have the ability to understand and seek true freedom!.

I'm also assuming you're not talking about petty indecision, like what movie we're gonna see this weekend, or where we're gonna have lunch!.

im a libra (:oD
(not sure if that means anything)Www@QuestionHome@Com

In my humble opinion, it is more likely that it stems from being afraid to make a wrong decision!.Www@QuestionHome@Com