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Position:Home>Philosophy> Simplicity brings joy ?

Question: Simplicity brings joy !?
What do you do to keep life simple and full of joy!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
i walk and look at the amazing enviorment or things that look so beatiful that other wouldnt findWww@QuestionHome@Com

Simplicity is living a life without any idea about how to live it, without any ideology!. Ideology brings complexity into life!. Animals are simple, no animal is ever complex because no animal is burdened by any ideology!. There is no "should"; the animal simply lives the way it feels!. It has no goal to achieve, nowhere to go, but just to live the gift of life that has been given to it!.
Simplicity is animal-like -- the same purity, the same innocence!. One should not live through "shoulds," one should drop all "oughts!." The isness of life is enough; nothing else is needed!. Life has no goal!. It is enough unto itself!. Life is not a means to some end!. It is the means and it is the end; it is both!. And when you are simple, you are naturally natural!.
To live in nature is to live in God!. To live through a certain culture is to go away from God!. The more cultured, civilized, cultivated, a person is, the farther away he is from God!. To know God one has to be in a state of primalness!.!.!. just as trees live!. Be simple like the animals, be natural like the trees!. And if you are simple and natural you are bound to be spontaneous!. Then you cannot live out of the past!. You have no obsession to be consistent with your past; you are free to live the moment!. You are not somehow to make your present consistent with the past!.
The person who tries to make his present consistent with the past is thought to be the man of character -- virtuous, religious!. He is not -- he is a dead man!. If your present has to follow the past, how can you be alive!? The present has to have its say, sing its song, dance its dance, unburdened, untethered to the past!. There is no necessity to be consistent with the past!. The spontaneous man is always inconsistent -- bound to be, because each moment has to be decisive on its own!. No moment has to be decided by another moment, neither of the past nor of the future!.
There are two kinds of dead people: one, who is dominated by the past; another, who is dominated by the future!. But both kill their present, hence both are dead!. The spontaneous man knows only one time, and that is this moment; there is no other time for him!.
These three things are the foundations of simplicity!. It is one of the most significant approaches towards life!. So live like animals, live like trees, live like small children, moment to moment!. The child is laughing one moment and crying another moment and has no confusion about it, that he is being inconsistent!. One moment he says, "I will never see you again" -- he is so angry!. Another moment he is sitting in your lap and has completely forgotten what he had said just a moment before!.
This moment-to-momentness makes one free, alive, simple!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


Those who do not do well with the complexity of life will often prefer simplicity!.

Keeping life simple is to ignore the reality of life that somethings are simple, some are quite complex and others fall somewhere across the spectrum!.

Acceptance of what is, is a far better solution to experiencing joy in life!. Acceptance though is not a simple task and likely to be avoided!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Its all about a state of mind, not about doing something in particular, to me!. By that I mean that when I've been engaged in something complex or difficult (say, at work) when I get out, I listen to music and let my mind concentrate on the notes and the sounds!. That lets me transition from the tough stuff to the less serious world, and once that happens I can find simplicity and joy in almost anything!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I simply refute everything anybody says and that way I always know which way the wrong answer is, because black and white thinking is simpler, so actual thought and examination of things must be miserable!.

There, you are wrong, again, as everyone always is!.

Long Live Sophistry!Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is about what I don't do!.!.!.!.like reading the paper!.!.!.or watching the news!.!.!.!.or getting wrapped up in the media buzz!.!.!.!.
Simplistic living comes from not doing without but with allowing more in the way of freedom of movement!.!.speech!.!.!.aiding animals lives!.!.!.!.eating fresh foods that didn't suffer for me to enjoy them!.!.!.
Loving oneself and then sharing that love!.!.!.!.!.it's a perfect blend of reaching within and reaching out!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Simplicity is not Joy, but contentment is!.

things could be so simple and you still wouldnt be happy, there could be so much going on in your life, and even if you have it all, its still worth nothing if your not content

contentment is simplicityWww@QuestionHome@Com

Alfred North Whitehead (mathematician and philosopher) said: "Seek simplicity, and distrust it!."

And, to answer your question, I try not to live out any falsehoods!. (And don't sweat it when I fail!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

i believe simplicity likely brings joy -- it likely takes the focus off of materialistic things & worries!.

i dont keep my life simple!. i am surrounded by crap!.!.!.!. thus resulting in a cluttered mind!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The way I see it is you can either be ignorant and happy, or be informed and make your own interpretation on things to make you happy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't think you can have simplicity outside unless you have simplicity inside first!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I like complication, but honestly when I stoped using My PSP and laptop and cellphone for a week i felt better, but electronics is like a drug for me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com