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Position:Home>Philosophy> Could you please answer these questions?

Question: Could you please answer these questions!?
-What is a moral theory!?
-Where does it come from!?
-What is the purpose of a general moral theory!?
-What are the occasions when thinking about such general theories of morality might be useful!?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
i think a theory or set of values to guide us to make the right decisions in our lives!. i think a personal moral theory (such as me being vegan!. man i have got to get offa the icecream) comes from the soul!. the purpose of general moral theory like laws i guess is to guide people who have no natural morals!.!. and all the time!. we should think about this quite a bitWww@QuestionHome@Com

This sounds like an academic assignment, and as with most assignments I highly recommend doing most of the research on your own!. (You really do learn more that way!)

So on that vein here are some references that contain the answers you seek, all you need to do is read them and write your own answers!.



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