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Question: Does language limit us!?
we perceive the world as how we think of the world, and our internal dialog is how we rationalize things, which would be in a language,!.!.!. i know language is necessary for us to communicate with each other and interact, but if we didn't put language in the way that we think there really wouldn't be a limit to our thoughts because we wouldn't need more words for our thoughts to make sense!.!.!.!.!.!.!.
language is necessary of course to interact with one another but when thinking dont you think it limits us!? puts a barrier infront of us that is really hard to brake because we can not campare those thoughts to words, because there isnt enough words!.!.!.
if that makes sense at all it is really difficult to explain!.!.!.which is exatcly my point about limitsWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Absolutely it limits us!. Anything that uses the mind as a platform is limiting!.

Instead of being aware of something, we use language to define it, limit it and then say once we can put words to something, say that we understand it!. But that is an illusion!. Words never bring us closer to understanding something, if anything it separates us and makes us understand less, as words become a wall between us and the thing experienced!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's very true that language limits our communication with each other!. One example is over the word judgment!. Most people are so afraid of being judgmental, that they have decided that making rational, informed judgments is in some way bad and unfair!. Judgment and judgmental have two different definitions, and only the second definition of judgmental has a negative connotation!. This is of course just one small example, but in the process,a lot of people have decided to give everyone full reign to be, or do, or say anything and do not rationally assess anything (including their lovers!!)!.


"when thinking dont you think it limits us!? puts a barrier infront of us that is really hard to brake because we can not campare those thoughts to words, because there isnt enough words!.!.!.
if that makes sense at all it is really difficult to explain!.!.!.which is exatcly my point about limits"

that part i understood really really well!.!.!.

yes, language does limit us!.
i would like to elaborate this but i won't because then i'd be repeating what u said, just in different words!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Language helps us to communicate most of the times, but at times it will be totally inadequate to express our feelings to its true sense!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If we could read others thoughts were would it stop!. I would know what you feel and what you think but that would limit creativity, would that not!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Language does limit us but it also simplifies complex ideas!. Its a double edged sword!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A word is the concretization, the intellectual reification, of concepts!.
You say "there really wouldn't be a limit to our thoughts" if we didn't have words!. Actually, there be all the limits of not having a word to describe the concept, because it is in concretizing the concept that we come to have a denotation of it!.

"In order to be used as a single unit, the enormous sum integrated by a concept has to be given the form of a single, specific, perceptual concrete, which will differentiate it from all other concretes and from all other concepts!. This is the function performed by language!. Language is a code of visual-auditory symbols that serves the psycho-epistemological function of converting concepts into the mental equivalent of concretes!. Language is the exclusive domain and tool of concepts!. Every word we use (with the exception of proper names) is a symbol that denotes a concept, i!.e!., that stands for an unlimited number of concretes of a certain kind!."

Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology; Ayn RandWww@QuestionHome@Com