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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why must people always need to know what "the meaning of life is"?

Question: Why must people always need to know what "the meaning of life is"!?
Doesn't life it's self hold enough value to make it worth while!?
Do people really need to beleive that human life MUST have some further, more complex, more valuable meaning than all the other life in the universe, that our existance is more significant than the very nature and existance of life it's self!? Can't we just appriciate our good fortune!? Isn't life it's self reward enough!?:-)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think its childish to think that we are more significant than other living things!. After all, we are part of our nature just like any other animals and insects!.

We tend to think we have some further and more complex, more valuable meaning because we are more intelligent than other animals and i believe thinking like that may lead us to think that life other than humans are invaluable!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, I look at it this way!. People generally do not hunt for things that do not exist!. They seek true love!. That exists!. They seek fame and fortune!. Those exist, too!.

So if we're looking for a higher purpose, a meaning for life, I would conclude that that has to exist as well!. That doesn't necessarily mean we'll find it, just that it exists, otherwise I don't know why we would search for it!.

I feel I've found the meaning of life!.!.!. you seem like an atheist so you probably won't be too happy that I found the meaning in God!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In my opinion, a person who doesn't understand the meaning of life is one who hasn't been exposed to all the complexities, difficulties, and greatness of life per se!.

It only takes extensive personal experiences in life, in all facets, to understand its meaning!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They are just really really bore and don't know what to do with their life!.

But what they don't realize is that all they need to do is to reach out their arms and help somebody to make their life meaningful!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

We don't need to know it!. We are here just like every other species and element, that is all we know and probably all we will know!.

Some people turn to religion to answer such questions!. I turn to a beer and toast to good fortunes with my mates!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Life is rewarding for some!. Others get so much on their plate at a really young age and it makes them wonder what the point is!.
Is child abuse a reward!?
If home and family life is so rewarding !.!.!. why do so many youngsters run away from it!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I fully agree with you!. They all do my head in asking and surmising there is some reason or superior being responsible for our existance!.

There's a saying which springs to mind!. Curiosity killed the cat!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

because logic limits us, and our imagination is what makes us human!.!.!.!.in a way your asking people to not feel imaginative, which would get us nowhere because logic has limits
purplemoon: if we had no curiosity we wouldn't be anywhereWww@QuestionHome@Com

they don't realise that 'life' is what they're doing this very second!.!.!.

I think they're waiting for something (dunno what)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Atheists show a singular lack of curiosity on this subject!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you are right!.
we put so much value in ourselves as a species when really we were just something that happen to flourish!.
there thats our meaning!. TO LIVE AND LET LIVE!.
accept it people!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's human nature to be curious!. Don't tell me you've never pondered on the thought!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Many people do not know to live!. So they need to know the meaning!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yay you got it i was beginng to believe i was the only one who thought that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because they are living!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Keep asking!.

Peace out!Www@QuestionHome@Com

A life can either be a question, or it can be an answer, but life could never be a nothing!. And when life is a question the answers are within life too, as when it is a question answer are found nowhere else but within life!. Sometimes people live like questions searching for their answers, and sometimes, in precious moments of bliss, they become answers themselves, the answers they seek, but no one could ever be without being either a question or an answer, without being alive!.

I can have my moment of awareness, as you have yours right there when you were thinking the thoughts for your question!. I too could see that the meaning of life is simply life, the life that I have, the life as it is, mine!. But such life is what I have in my mind alone, as when I glance around and see a multitude of people, some with lives better than mine, and others with worse, I cannot help feeling intrigues!. I must admit that I am often quite baffled, puzzled and often also inspired when I see differently people living so variously!. Then this is also a habit of mine that I run comparisons between all sorts of things of life!. I try to ascertain, as what in life is better than the rest, what people are happier, and what kind of people are more successful!? And then this search becomes my search for truth!. I seek to know as is it right to have life like this, to live like that!?

But personally I never put directly here or anywhere else the question of in bid to find any meaning!. I just do here what I find most interesting, beneficial and exciting!. I try to be useful, decent and interesting, but I never feel enthusiastic to know as what life to the people whom questions I answer could mean!. But this I know is the fact that I try to become better than all the rest of the people!. This hidden desire never goes away!. But this I believe is as natural to me as it is to every other normal human being!.

I therefore believe that people need to know as what is the truest meaning of life in general, and their life in particular, simply because they are so alive, because they have natural urge to improve their lot, because we all feel inside that their life could be a whole lot better, and this, I believe, is what makes us all ask questions and post answers to others!.Www@QuestionHome@Com