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Position:Home>Philosophy> The mind and language are they related??

Question: The mind and language are they related!?!?
my first language is spanish but i have lived here in the states for a long time that i find my self thinking in english and dreaming in english language, i dont really know how to describe this but when u think you can hear yourself talk and rationalize things in your head, what if a pwerson didnt speak any language what would they find themselves speaking when rationalizing something in their mind!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

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Interesting question!.!.!.
Language, a skill that we learn from birth, is only a means to qualify the things we see around us!. As we grow, so does our grasp and command of language, and we become able to more clearly identify everything with the words and phrases of our language as a base for our ideas!. We "hear" ourselves speaking language because we are taught to speak!.
However, consider the deaf person, who cannot be taught spoken language, who must wait until they are able to be taught sign language!. They have an understanding of the things around them even though they have no words to name them!. Their learning process, while different from a hearing child's, has no less depth because they cannot hear words!. I have a friend who was deaf from birth!. I asked her once if it was harder for her to imagine something because one of the sensory stimulus was missing!. She laughed and said no!.!.!.she just imagines it differently, in a series of pictures with motion and color and scent!. In fact, the lack of spoken language often gave her a deeper perception!. she wasn't limited by the mechanics of language in experiencing something!. She said once she felt sorry for me, because I must always "hear" something to understand it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Normally you think in the language which you use the most in your routine communication!. For the person who doesn't speak any language thoughts become more picturesque!. Pictures and symbols!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Language is communical tool which is used to share the information in our mind with others!.

Actually language is information career!. Information is being created from our mind!.Www@QuestionHome@Com