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Position:Home>Philosophy> Repeat People you sound like you want to kill. No the question was was the idea

Question: Repeat People you sound like you want to kill!. No the question was was the idea of warfare to kill!?
I mean they kill us we kill them!. They kill us we kill them!. Then there is none of us left to fight a cause!.!.!.threats, economy chance of genocide at all!. Are we all human beings or are we all canabilistic animals that kill each other!? I mean if we are to fight as human beings shouldn't we use words instead of bombs!. Instead of blowing each other up should we teach people love respect honesty hope reason and responsibility!. It doesn't make any sense I don't see why people get justice by killing!. The more blood spilled the more has to be spilled for causes that are not worth human life!.
I think that everyone has missed the point human life is not worth war at any cost ,and if everyone understood this the world would be a better place!. We all need to talk instead of throwing bombs at each other!. We all need to understand concequences of our actions!. War doesn't bring justice it brings trouble!. And if you don't believe me look around!. Fighting only causes more fighting no resolution!. Every civilazation on earth has died out because of it!. And now we are in a place of it happening again!. We have no right to say who is right or wrong!. Because we where not given that right it was earned by being the human beings we are!. If we feed off of others there is no reason we should be no more than animals and be the only animals that eat each other in a hypothetical sense!. If we can't learn to get along I believe it will be the downfall of our species!. I asked this question because fighting war all of these things teach us to hate one another and our goals loose purpose!. Words cause resolution!. War causes bloodshed what price are you willing to pay!. Are you going to speak or shoot!. Shooting will kill us all it will put us back to the stoneage with nuculear bombs!. Speaking however realating loving those who are not kind to us in the end the reasons to fight are lost!. Everyone will get along!. Take greed out of the equation!. All I am saying someone has to put a end to this madness!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I noticed that in this world there are those "intelligent" enogh to use words to their advantage and those able to understand those words!. I also learned however that some people are too "stupid and ignorant, among other words" to realize the value of these words, these are the people where force seems like the only thing to get them to do what you want!. Words can sway only those who listen and want to believe them!. Bombs can sway most who are close enough to feel the repercussions!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you bring up a very valid point about the human race!. if we could work things out with words the world would a better place!. but mankind is not like that we will continue to kill each other for our own personal gains!. this will be our down fallWww@QuestionHome@Com

Saying that it is "inhuman" to kill is like saying stamp collecting is an animal act!.

What determines the value of a human life!?
Is one life worth the destruction of mankind!?
Are a hundred thousand lives worth the destruction of your society, country or belief group!?
I have just justified ALL wars!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the idea of warfare is not killing!. it is profit!. killing is the means to get the thing!.

the soldiers don't decide to kill each other!. they are told to kill each by the powers that be!.

those people are just after the ends!.

so there is killing to take and defending to keep!. and sometimes countries are doing both!. sometimes it's happening within countries!. but that's war!.

if you could achieve the same result without taking a life, i'm sure countries would gladly not kill, or have people killed!. but such a method has not yet been devised!.

but if or when it does, will that make it ok to take from others!?

is it just the dying that makes the war bad!?

what scares me about the states is they are devise more ways of making their army more effective without americans dying, or very little!.

if they could get it so no americans would ever die, would it be ok for them to take over the world!? would americans think so!?

i often hear americans speaking of american casualties and not caring so much about the others they kill!.!. so i don't know!. maybe they just need to be convinced that other need to die and that's it!.

you act like if no one profits from war!. look at who profits from war!. who causes war!. and then you'll know what war is!. people dying is just the necessary dirty thing that gets in their way!.

were it not for that we would be even easier to convince!.

there are ways to get the world warless!. there are ways to achieve resolution from talking!. but we must find the ways, and demand them!. all of us must!.

of course there are people who do not listen because they believe a cause, or whatever!. people who are stubborn and won't listen!. bu i think the world is full of many more people who are willing for peace and love, and community and sharing, and harmony!. we just need to demand it!. the rest we can fix i think, for their own good!. plus i think the more everybody starts being a way, the more others will be willing to listen, especially between generations!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you have never seen a cause that is worth the killing of a person against it than you have missed a valid point yourself!. Is it madness to kill to protect yourself or your loved ones!. honestly I don't know of even one civilization that has been eradicated completely by war most are erased by some good ol disease or the people giving into the crowding of another stronger society that just kinda adds them to the gene pool!.
If there was no war what predator would the human race have to keep it in check!? We as humans would over populate the earth and then where would we be!?Www@QuestionHome@Com