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Position:Home>Philosophy> If parents don't take the lead to teach their child about sex ed and their 1

Question: If parents don't take the lead to teach their child about sex ed and their 17 year old daughter comes home
prego, do the parents share in the blame!? What do you think!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
parents are responsible for their children!. (period!)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Its the parents responsibility to talk to their children about sex!. However since most parents are uncomfortable with the topic they fail to inform their children about sex and now force schools to do so!. When their child comes home pregnant or even having gotten someone else that way they blame the school!. It is the parents responsibility and it is their failure!. However, at 17 years of age a girl should definitely know about sex and prevention!. First of all it is taught from like 5th grade on!. The girl is mostly to blame and the parents should take some of it themselves like maybe 90/10!. Their is so much information nowadays that a 17 year old should know better!. However, society is partly to blame also because they promote sex at young ages and they treat people who have wisely decided not to become sexually active like losers and igmo's!. Even though they are the ones who have most likely thought the most about the issue while those who choose to be sexually active do so because everyone else is doing so and they don't think everything through!. That is why STDs, Pregnancies and abortions are rampant in today's society!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

First, a very young teen ager needs a lot of affection and guidance, It is the duty of each parent to nuture their child as they grow!. So instead of the blame that it will only deteriorate their sense of dignity and pride!. To talk it out calm and with the direction of how to overcome such situation!. It will prevent the child of being more confused!. Parents could do as well protect the well being of their family members!. Not to do the same mistake anymore!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Absolutely not!.

In Today's independent, highly-evolving, and technologically on the move society, it is every single individual's personal responsibility to look out for his own well-being and the lives he chooses to influence!.
Example given, my parents never did, however, I haven't come home pregnant when I was 17 because I am intelligent enough to have understood the consequences of my actions and to control my impulses!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well yeah I think, its the responsibility of the parent to teach there child these things, if they dont they cant expect anybody else to, therefore that leaves her open to all kinds of things!. I would seriously think though that a 17year old would have enough common sense, even if she had no sex ed from her parents - not to get pregnant at such a young age!. its not rocket science!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think the 17 yr old is going to make her own decision no matter how involved the school and parents are!. However, they may make a small impact on her decision!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think its highly unlikely that a 17 year old wouldnt know the basics of sex and why you should or should not have it i wouldnt blame the parents or the teachers 17 is old enough to know better they did the act they need to take the blame face the concequincesWww@QuestionHome@Com

Yes they have some!. all parents should be proactive and urge kids to wait for sex!. Of course, also if they don't wait they must be careful!. ,Www@QuestionHome@Com

by 17 her parents should have talked to her about it but by 17 she probably knows the basics of it!. So yeah, I guess we can all share in the blame!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, for the simple fact that plenty come home prego who had the sex talk from their parents!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Do you think a 17 year old is a baby!? Of course it isn't their fault, it's just there responsibility (for another 12 month!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think so!.

maybe even the school system as well!.

that is if the 17 yo was truly clueless!.Www@QuestionHome@Com