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Position:Home>Philosophy> Does the early bird really get the worm?

Question: Does the early bird really get the worm!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I bet owls would disagree!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, because the worms are usually still out, so they can reproduce, so if the bird is early enough, they can get the worm!. When the worm feels the heat of the sun, they go back into their hole, even though someone those birds will invade their property and yank them out, so in a way, the early bird commits an invasion and battery on the worm!. Does the early bird get arrested though!? No, they go on living a normal life, while the worm, who just had their home invaded, and might be scarred for life from the trama of the bird, has to go on living in fear to come outside of their home for a little asexual reproduction!. The worms is therefor scarred for life!. its not fair!!! Where is PETA at for these worms!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Until they build a bigger, faster, stronger, more capable worm then yes, the superior animal will win!. Birds are opportunists and planners, worms are single-minded!. But I think worms do more for civilisation than birds due to their work in breaking down biodegradable materials quickly to create and oxygenate soil which can be used to grow things!. But I think they need better PR to lift their profile!. Maybe a Spielberg movie!. "They Day the Worm Turned" as a suggested title!. Jeff L help me out here with a plot and a few character names!

By George P I think you are on to something there!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not always!. Early is good and in some cases most necessary!. Early does not mean earlier than!.!.!. another, which must be considered!. But going after the worm is what is important!. Finding the worm is more important regardless of the time!. What am I, two hours late answering your questions!? Maybe one day I be the early bird!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No!. Not always!.

The early bird get the first chance to make mistake!.

The second bird learn from the first bird mistake and get the worm!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The early bird gets eaten by the nocturnal cat, just coming in from the nightly prowl and needing a morning snack before cat nap time!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Just shift the attention to the worm!. The poor mutt gets eaten for being out earlier than the bird!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Usually yes, but sometimes the worm sleeps late!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the early worm becomes a birds turdWww@QuestionHome@Com

Naaah!. Worms like sleeping in too!. Do you think they'd get up early just to be caught easily!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

California: no!. It's so arid that the worms don't come out!. The birds eat seeds!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

And sometimes the late night bird!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, if the early bird is really the earliest!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Depends on who's faster,the bird or the worm!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't know, but Shikamaru gets Temari!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

sorry, I wouldn't know,
but I love that picture of you!Www@QuestionHome@Com