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Position:Home>Philosophy> How do I make a wise desicion?

Question: How do I make a wise desicion!?
I have a dilemma!. I have to make an important decision!. I have to choose between my father and my grandmother!. I love both of them as well as they love me!. The problem is that my father lives in U!.S and my Grandmother in Honduras!. Both of them need me!. My father will suffer if I leave him, he will no longer have happiness!. I know it because I already lived away from him several years!. He is an excellent father, caring, responsible, comprehensive and all he wants is to have his family close to make sure we are doing well!. In the other hand is my grandmother!. She is very important to me!. I could say that I love her as much as I love my father!. She has the same characteristics that my father has!. She is getting older, right now she is 68 and the problem is that she is becoming sad, she's feeling alone and I cannot bear to know that she is suffering!.
I need some pieces of advice to help me to make a wise decision!. There will not be time to regret!. I just can live with one of them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You are in a tough decision!. You're at a fork in the road and you want to take both but can't-everyone in the world has had this happen!. Just know that whoever you choose to live with, that the other person will still love you no matter what!. You may feel like you betrayed your other family member, but you shouldn't feel guilty about anything!. This decision was all up to you and both your father and grandmother know that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, my friend, your father takes precedence to your grandmother, forgive me the old lady, but that's nature!. I am trying
to feel where your shoes are hurting but I can't come up with another decision!. Your address is your father!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

How about if you and your father live in the Honduras, with your American education, education par excellence, you can easily obtain a good job!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The dilemma is a false construction of reality!.

You are not responsible for their suffering or their relief!. Choose neither!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

how old are you!?
y you have to live with anyone anyway!?
go explore the world and live on your own,
you only live once man,
thats my opinion,Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sounds like the problem is that you create a lot of guilt for yourself!. Sounds like neither are asking you specifically to live with them, but rather, you're having an issue with leaving one of them because you think they are suffering!. Just because we are separated from someone, doesn't necessarily mean we are separate!. In fact there are some physicists (though not many) that would tell you that we really can't be separate from anyone or anything!. If this is the case, live where you want and free yourself from your self imposed guilt!.

I would recommend talking to a professional about this because I believe that the problem is your inability to let go, and not theirs!.Www@QuestionHome@Com