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Position:Home>Philosophy> Does PRIDE keep you from enjoying everything you could -- or is PRIDE your only

Question: Does PRIDE keep you from enjoying everything you could -- or is PRIDE your only true friend!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes to both!. Pride is your only ally when the world is closing in on you!. It's the only one that prevents you from doing dumb things like licking the ground or bending unnecessarily to somebody else's will!.
On the other hand, pride also keeps you from enjoying life at it's best!. When you allow your pride to control your life, you are no longer who you really are because you tend to care more of what people thought to be you and in the process, you become of what they thought you to be and no longer your true self!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think pride can sometimes prevent any of us from enjoying everything we could!. I think it's human nature at times to let it get in the way of friendships and activities on occasion!. It's something we should probably strive to avoid, but I can't think of anyone totally immune to it!. Pride is not a bad thing, but too much pride could be!. If pride becomes your only true friend, then I think it's a problem!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Prides a funny thing!.!.it can make you feel very good, yet also be a demising characteristic that robs a person of a ton of joy!.!.!.Stubborness is often a result of pride!.!.!.However, sometimes it is stubborness used in the right direction to accomplish something very big in life, and to be proud of an accomplishment can often times be a very good thing!. Just need to guard against the kind of pride that can grow like a choking vine within us!.!.!.it can destroy both yourself, and those around you if you cannot temper it with an all important facet as being yeilding to a certain degree!. And I am proud to have said that!!! (In a good way of course)!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think it does because I'd love to do certain things especially with my friends but I'm always scared of my image and the lack of love that I'd get from it!. Maybe it isn't pride exactly BTW what ever it is it has left me with only one true friend!.!.!.it helps me analyze situations to avoid danger etc!.!.!. but it leaves me with bad relationships and boredom!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, if I let my pride keep me from doing what I want to do, then pride must be my religion don't you think!? I know this monk, he's like the top monk of that temple!. All he do is sit in his chair all day!. He said that he never swear, lie, or touch a women before!. I don't have anything against him, but it's like that he's letting his pride control him!. That pride has become his religion, body, and mind!. Now, I don't hate him, but do i want to be like him!? Nope!. I'm happy for being me!.

You know, sometime I feel like I'm letting my pride control me!. Well, I want to do something, but I'm afraid I might be called a loser, a freak, boring, etc!. So I don't take that risk!.
Pride is very powerful, so you must control it!. Don't have too much or too little of it!. Keep it in the middle is nice!. It's like having too many friends, or too little friends; unless it's a best friend, you can have one!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Pride is one of the seven deadly sins!

No, I don't allow pride or anything else prevent to me from doing anything!. We only have one shot at this life, right!? How many people on their deathbed look back and say "gee, if only I was more prideful (or spiteful or mistrusting or disingenuous)"!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well,it depends sometimes it can be your worst enemy or sometimes it can be your best friend!.

for example if you love your pride more then you love yourself you will end up the things your pride wants you to do and not wat your heart tells you to so dont get to much pride or you will lose it allWww@QuestionHome@Com