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Position:Home>Philosophy> If a Man Hates His Mother and Sister?

Question: If a Man Hates His Mother and Sister!?
could he possibly be gay!? I am just asking!. You can feel the hatred, and he puts down his sister and mother often, or won't help them around or anything!. The mother and sister are good to him!. He's 38 years old!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
How is this a philisophical question!? Anyhow, yes he possibly could be gay, but not for the reasons in your question!. He sounds more like he is spoiled!. Is his dad dead or something!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't think a man having issues with or "hating" his Mother and sister necessarily means he is gay!. There might be more to their relationship than you are aware of!. This is a tough question, from the information you've given here there isn't a way to give a definitive answer about a person's sexuality!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Family is a weird thing!. I have constant conflict with mostly my mother, yet still love her!. We have the highest highs and the lowest lows!. We are too similar and stubborn!. I have a sharp tongue though which digs the grave deeper!.

I went through some bi-curious stuff for awhile, but never really fallowed through with any of it as I wasn't too turned on once it got going!. All in all, we are all about 32% gay, seeing as we can point out attractiveness and bond with the same sex!. Coming out of the closet I've never had to deal with, but I'm sure it sucks!.

If he is, I feel bad he can't embrace that side of him, but it is his own fault!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well if you hate your mother, you hate your sister and you enjoy fantasizing about other men around you, I think it is saft to say you're gay!.

I think you should perhaps work on repairing your relationship with your mom and sis!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, no!. Definitely not!. It just means that he has problems w/ either them, or maybe he has a problem with women in general if their relationship were fair!. But, most likely he just has issues w/ them, but though it could be something else, I doubt it's homosexuality!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

All it means is that the man does not like his mother and his sister!. His sexuality has nothing to do with this!. You have to remember that gay men do not hate women!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Anything is a possibility, most likely though, just because he hates his mother and sister does not really give merit to him being gay!.

You'd need more information about his lifestyle!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

sounds like he's a true man!!!
no gay there!Www@QuestionHome@Com