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Position:Home>Philosophy> Your thought about this as an ethical issue?

Question: Your thought about this as an ethical issue!?
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Hmm! Thought provoking!.

I will start from the end of the clip by saying that the mercy approach and the words of the spokeswoman are very important and should be cause for deep reflection, one of the problems others suffer when seeing this sort of thing is impatience and often subconscious guilt which cause aggressive defensive reactions such as the I have always worked why can't they! (note that there is no question mark) in many minds!
I am sorry but to explain in detail all the whys and whereforths involved ,in the reason for the existence of this phenomena, would get very complex!
So I will leave this part to filter out of these few words!.
There is a great lack sense of community in the style of civilisation in which we are living, of course one may argue that to some extent this has also be the case in large group dwelling in complex social structures!. And I will agree that this is true, however we like to believe that we are more advanced than those of the past, but the reality is that what remains of sense of community is rapidly decaying and the metropolis is moving dangerously towards collapse!
This is of course not imminent, but will arrive sooner or later if this problem is not face at some point!
Economic and Moral restructuring of Society will soon be needed before it becomes to late to save the patient!

And here things become a little problematic! as it is not really such a great problem to resolves when compared to the task of explaining how it can be done and getting the people to want the dream ( I not only use the word dream in both the American sense and that of MLK but above all in the sense of GB Shaw and Bobby Kennedy!.)
But here lies the rub! for it to work, just as a cake needs eggs, we need a strong sense of community identity (something that was mentioned at the end of the clip)!.
So I hope you see the point I am making about the importance of sense of community!
Who are why to you think as you do, how are you today, what is it that ales you brother!?
This is not chat (religious or otherwise)! This is being part of a community and responding as one should!
Ironically I am answering your question here in YA where the chance of being reported for such is quite high! hmm one wonders if Yahoo gave deep thought to the terminology the chose! sorry I digress!.
Returning to conclude my answer, the only true way to solve the problem of lack of sense of community is to remove or at least reform the factors which are the cause of removing that sense!.
I will not point them out, for to do so would, for many, have the effect of telling a spoilt child that he can't eat a Big Mac every day, because he will make himself ill in the future!.
But I am certain you will understand what they are!.

Thank you an interesting clip and question!.

BTW how are things with you!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think, that you can't pass ethical judgement on the information that has been put before you!. In that exert of a Television Show, as you have no means of obtaining sufficient evidence to prove or disprove the situation, as it was put before you!.

Like all 'Information', that is broadcast on Television!. You only see something, to substantiate the proposal that the voice is telling you!.

Therefor, that proposition may be inaccurate, insubstantial and incorrect!. As it is not giving substantial, examinable and precise Terms of Reference, to Substantiate The Argument!.

Therefor, I cannot give an ETHICAL view point on this matter!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My thoughts!.!.!.
I wandered the country for a number of years in my youth!.
I went broke a number of times and was homeless in places where I knew no one and had no assistance!.
I ALWAYS found a job!.!.!. ALWAYS!
I have no patience for people who are too lazy to work and want me to work for them!.
I don't want to work either, but I will hold my own in life!.
Yes, this is an ethical issue for me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

These people are beggars!. They are unattached, and poor!. Perhaps poor in spsirit, family, none of the people i saw panhandling had the look of someone who was walking right!.
Ummm my 11 year old and i are very diffrent!. She sees someone panhandling at walmart, and asks if they really are homeless starving etc!. and tenatively will suggest to me thatthey might not be!. i look at them, and when i have it, and i WANT to give it i do!. Otherwise, unless they are on fire, bleeding, or being beaten right there, i smile and drive off!. tHERE ARE OTHER AVENUES!. sometimes people arent eligible to stay in our one shelter here!. Then they get to camp!. i dont do things that will give me a restment, unless i want to, out of my heart, or God leads me to anyway, and i happen to listen!.