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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why do you think the government is lying to us?

Question: Why do you think the government is lying to us!?
it just gets deeper and deeper, seems like everything we thought we knew about the outside world is a lie!. Look for yourself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
yes, they do lie to us, they see us as just fodder to play with!.!.!.that is why they want us to breed so that there are so many of us they can play with as many as they want and there will still be more coming!.!.!.

there are secrets so deep and dark that if people found out they would freak out and that is what keeps them safe!.!.!.people dont want to believe it and so it doesnt matter how much truth comes out, people go!.!.!.oh no, I don't believe that for a second!.!.!.the corrupt are safe and the innocent are manipulated constantly!.!.!.

despite all my rage!.!.!.I'm still just a rat in a cage!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It kind of depends on who is in the government!. The Bush administration certainly lies!. Just look at the Iraq War and the whole wiretapping business!. They never gave the facts, but instead forced Americans to go along with their plan because, "if you're not with us, you're against us!." But then again, Bush supporters would argue that God appointed Bush, so we should believe everything he says!. In some cases I can see why a government lying would be beneficial (like to prevent panic), but in the case of America's current government it's just plain wrong, and I believe that it has lead to an increased overall ignorance and stupidity in Americans!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

what is the government supposed to be revealing to us!? the goal of government is the safety of its borders and the stability of its social structure!. how would telling the citizens of a country that they have developed pathogens intended to cure diseases but that can wipe out the entire population accidentally in 72 hours and these are being transported through urban areas daily help the stability of its social structure!?
do you think that the goal of curing disease is more important or your need for knowledge!?
replace the idea of disease with public safety and security and it's pretty clear what justification is used!.

what is the 'greater good!?'

it's a blank check!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it's to demonstrate that we need to actually create a government of, by a nd for the people, a grass roots movement that will put the media and government into the hands of honest people!. They do exist, it's just that we haven't been smart enough and given our power over to corrupt factions!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I won′t add to these answers but I′ll mention a few books that you have probably read anyway:

"You're being lied to" Russ Kick and its sequel: "Everything you know is wrong"!.
There are some others on their website: www!.disinfo!.com
You′ll find echo to your ideas there!.
I must add that I agree with you!.!.!. obviously!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is a function of a democratic process!. When whatever is MOST POPULAR wins, it encourages those who reach out to the populace to always tell them what they want to hear!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Is the government lying to us!?!

Does the Pope s**t in the woods!?

Is a bear Catholic!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

They always have!. Why should they change now!? What would induce them to do such a thing!?(i!.e!. switch to telling the truth)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because they can!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

because we can't handle the truthWww@QuestionHome@Com

same reason parents lie to their kids!.!.!.!.because they think it's in their best interest!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is not just the government but the power really is with the ones that have the money to control the government!. Yes the government is lieing to us about so many things!. I have read lately that they one to make the USA a one world country with Mexico and Canada and rid us of our own constitution!. They have been in this process for sometime!. They have already started making our new money for all three countries!. There is also a road being build as I speak through mexico to the USA to import goods from the Mexican coast line!. So!.!. many things are being done in our government that none of us know anything about!. Do you truly think that those chickens, cattle, fish that had been contaminated were truly okay for us to eat!? No way!.!. But big business would suffer so!.!. they told us it was safe to eat them!.!. We will pay for our governments mistakes!.
They also are trying to get us to have a one ID system and do away with charge cards and money!. Big business says it cost them to much to have all the paper work!. We will end up having this ID done to us without our will to vote on it and we will no be able to buy or sale without it!. It will be totally forced upon us!.
They will make it all sound like it is a good thing for the public to have!. They will brainwash the public into thinking it is great to do!.
But!.!. what they will not tell us is that if we do not do as they say then all they will have to do is turn off our ID and we would not survive without it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com