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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why do people post such mean answers to people who are trying to get advice? why

Question: Why do people post such mean answers to people who are trying to get advice!? why be mean to insecure and sad o
to feel better about themselves!?
to feel bigger or tough!?!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
A stupid question begets a stupid answer!.

-Sometimes people just get annoyed and use their answer to relieve stress and anger!.

-Sometimes it is to feel better about themselves!.

-Other times it's just because they're bored!.

-Sometimes it may be because they're trying to prove a point!. Whether that point is that it was a "stupid" question or that the answer was simply!. Or that their frustration was because you could have simply googled the answer!.

There are more than one reason for doing something my friend and placed the common stereotypical views that it makes them feel better about themselves is kind of pointless!.
Perhaps you are ignorant for asking such a question and creating a paradox of making the same "stupid" question I stated before!. But I don't think your question id stupid or ignorant, I'm just opening myself and creating counter-arguements!.

Like a bully who tease another person!. Here are SOME reasons for someone to tease another or bully them!.
-To feel stronger!?
-Or perhaps they just thought it was funny to tease someone!? Laughter is the greatest medicine!.
-Agression and to relieve stress!.
-To feel better about themselves or just plain feel better in some way!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Who among us is to know--without hearing the tones of the voice of the questioner--whether he/she seeks "advice" or seeks to project an agenda!?

Many questions sound life definite agendas, and we are going to take them that way, and respond to them that way!. We might respond differently if we could hear the tone of the voice!.

However, a careful questioner can compose a sentence that does not lead us to see agendas!. A well composed question will make its point, and nothing more!.

But with broken English, poor English, Eubonics, and text abbreviations all mixed up together sometimes, we can only perceive what we perceive!.

And if what we perceive appears to be stupid, illogical, mean, racist, propagandist, or just a case of trying to "get our goats," then we have a right to respond in kind!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Mean is fun!. Anybody who puts their hopes on Yahoo Answers (where most of the responses seem almost simian,) NEEDS to be punctured a little, before they go and accept some goofy idea as gospel!.

All these "you are so right" people are just trying to get 10 points by agreeing with you!. Give my 10 points to someone else!. I just want to set you right!. Cruel to be Kind!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

because they don't have a life!. they feel as though they have to validate themselves on a virtual world to make up for who they are in the real world!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

they have nothing better to do so they project themselves onto other people they pick on people as if they can judge someone as if they have never made a mistake in their own lives
no ones perfect