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Position:Home>Philosophy> What are your perspectives on these questions?

Question: What are your perspectives on these questions!?
What is the light and what is space!? Why do they exist!? Do you fear space and its infinite dimensions or do you feel free from the seemingly nonexistence of boundaries to space!? Does thoughts of space or light offer a feeling of a void within and around or do they offer you a feeling of being full and complete!? Do you have faith out of fear or because of a feeling of purpose and understanding that comes with knowing!.!.!.!? What do you really know about anything!? How can you be sure beyond faith that what you know is true!? What perspective do you have on life, death, and rebirth!? How does this affect the way you live your life!? What is soul to you!? Do you have faith in the existence of a soul!? How does this affect the way you live your life!? Why or why aren't you religious!? Do you feel that what is written in your chosen book is the only way to live or to live well!? Do you live a particular way because it is what you feel is best or because of the rewards awaiting you in an afterlife!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Wow! I think I could write an entire book on all of these questions!.!.!.too many to answer at once time!.!.!.but what a great conversation!.!.!.maybe over an entire weekend!!! ;-)Www@QuestionHome@Com

my perspective is that the person asking them is stuck in some new-agey misconception of the universe and needs to read a science book or two!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The LHC nearing operational status in Switzerland will start the road to answers!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"when you know, you don't know!. when you don't know, you know" ~ Zen sayingWww@QuestionHome@Com