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Position:Home>Philosophy> We humans mostly live for food ....dont we ?

Question: We humans mostly live for food !.!.!.!.dont we !?
Food is the most important thing we live for!.!.!.!.!. we earn for food!.!.!.!. the surplus money just goes to material stuff but in the end!.!.!.!. food is what matters and nothing elseWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
yes food is one of the important things that we needWww@QuestionHome@Com

Food is not all that matters in life!. But it's true that almost everything humans do comes down to survival in the end!. Why get an education!? To get a job!. Why do people get jobs!? For money!. Why do people want money!? For food, shelter, clothing!. Yes, for other things, too!. But if you lose your job, it's not "Oh no, I'll have to shut off my internet service" instead it's "How will I pay for rent and groceries!?" Why do people stick with their families and friends!? Of course because you love them!. But look at it from an evolutionary perspective and you also see that when you have a group, survival is easier!. More people to help you look for food!.

People will tell you that there is more to life than that (and there is) but most people who are lucky enough to have access to a computer and are therefore able to view this site right now are probably taking their food for granted!. Without a fulfilling job, a fun hobby, or a good friend, you are miserable!. But without food, you are dead!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I eat to live!. I do not live to eat my friend!. I enjoy eating, but I also enjoy breathing and drinking to keep living!. Why not!? Water is more important than food, we can only live for like 3 days without water, and air is even more important!.!.!. I don't know how long you can live without air but it's not that long!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not compared with birds!. They must eat three times their own weight every day because of the energy they use while flying and keeping warm!. THREE TIMES! Could you eat three times your own weight!? That's a lot of food!. They look for food all day long!.

Whales spend all day swimming around with their mouths open in order to eat enough plankton!. Can you imagine spending every minute munching on something without a break!?

I agree that food is essential to life for all creatures!. Food, shelter,safety and health, we can't live without them!. But humans do incorporate activities in our days in addition to eating!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Our life has acquired a special meaning only because we have risen above the mere fulfilling of the necessity of food!.!.!. through technology and cooperation, we have created a more than acceptable level of food security and created more than enough spare time to make life more meaningful!.!.!.!. however, it is another matter what we are actually doing in that more than enough spare time in order to justify the meaning of our life!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

it depends on the context!.!.!. if you're referring to our mortal selves (i!.e!. on the basis of the fact that without nourishment humans will die) then yes!.!.!. we do need food in order to survive!. But i'm not sure if humans mostly live for food!.!.!.some people I know certainly do (just joking!) I think that food is definately important to survival but not right at the top of our priorities!.!.!.like I say it depends on the contextWww@QuestionHome@Com

I earn for a roof over my head, which I don't eat!. I also earn to have fun, like getting to places to do things!.

I don't live for food, it helps me do what I am here to do !.!.!.live life and hopefully have fun along the way!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You know the saying!. Some people eat to live, others live to eat!.
"food is what matters and nothing else" - Clearly you have no life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com