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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is forever existent? A realtive term? Or merely an emotion?

Question: Is forever existent!? A realtive term!? Or merely an emotion!?
I do believe in forever but I don't know what kind of forever I beleive in!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
no-thing lasts forever but nothing is forever
what ever is at the center of vibrating all of this into shapes and forms is outside of the borders of 'ever'!.
what ever the unseen source of movement that makes us call somethings living and somethings dead can not be bound by an idea like forever
what ever pushes forward the progress of adaptation and change can't possibly be symbolized by a single human sound!.
what ever drove the senses to form and these forms to perceive and these perceptions to remember and these memories to become thought must not be touchable

what ever it is, you are
what ever you are, IS

Forever may not be the best symbol!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"Forever" has not yet been reified, to my knowledge, so it is only an existent within the realm of conceptual knowledge!.

It may, under certain contextual references, be relative!.

But it is not an emotion!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

before the universe started there was nothing!.Nothing!. no time!. nothing!. so therefore i would say forever is a relative term !.forever is a concept created by humans to help explain the unexplainable!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I believe that forgever is a relitive term!. It is for as long as time is!. Or is counted!. Which is why it cannot be finite!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think an emotion!. My 1st grade, 1st love, was my husband until he died in 2004 of cancer!. I know he was my soulmate!. That is forever!.Www@QuestionHome@Com