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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you think depression helps us to accept death?

Question: Do you think depression helps us to accept death!?
Depressed people(as myself) are less emotionally attached to life and it's pleasures, which makes it easier for us to accept the fact that one day not far from now we won't exist any more!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

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Certainly people who suffer from depression have a closer tie to the morbid or macabre, thereby causing them to be less surprised!. I get what you are saying that when you are enjoying life less than others it would seem easier to accept the end of it, and that is probably true!.

Ok, clearly the people responding on this board have never had depression!. Unless I missed something, you aren't saying that you want to take your life, right!? You suffer from depression!. It causes you to be more analytical about things and sometimes the pleasure that we derive from kicking around these thoughts with others may be the highlight of the day!. Nobody on here should be taking that away from you (however good intentioned they seem to be)!.

Perhaps you are seeing someone, perhaps you are medicated, but there is only so much that those things can do for a person!. You still have to live with the day to day struggles of depression!. And you shouldn't be made to feel abnormal or that you should check yourself in somewhere because you do have depression - the fact that you are posting a question about it tells me that you are aware of your depression and you are a 'functioning depressive' and you know better than anyone when you are falling into that deep black hole where you don't think you will be able to get out!.!.!.and that is when you call someone and ask for help if you want it!.!.!.and I know you probably already knew that!.

So back to your original question - yes, I agree with you!. When you have less of a connection to life it would seem easier when you are looking at death!. On the other hand, if you were faced with a terminal illness, it could cause you to suddenly realize that you've spent a lot of time in a funk and cause you to get out there and squeeze every bit of enjoyment out of life that you can in whatever time you have left!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Could be!. Depression is one of the steps people take when they realize that they are dying!. It is typically preceded by denial, then anger!. And is followed by acceptance!.

Why the human psychology expresses itself in those steps, I don't know!.

The last step, the actual dying, is actually a relief!. When the self (ego) dies, then all fear of death or any other fear is eliminated and the awareness that remains until the final steps of death, is totally unconcerned about its demise!.

If the death is a natural death from old age, typically it is due to acidosis, the build up of carbon dioxide in the blood because of shallow breathing!. Deaths from accidents usually happen quickly and there is no time for depression, just shock!. Death from diseases are the most common ones where depression comes into play!.

The biggest problems with death is typically the pain that people might endure until the self dies!. Death in a hospice where morphine can be administrated is probably a good idea for most people!. If you can train yourself to think of pain as just very intense feelings, you can reduce your suffering!. But that is difficult to do as we are hardwired to feel pain as something to avoid!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no i dont

i think depression is a mes up in brain chemicals and function and usually gets leveled with some medication

(depressed myself)

accept death!?
no i did not

i hated life
but thats not the same as accepting death

when you see someone die, peacefully, with no fear, no pain, no suffering thats when you see 'accepting death'

i still dont accept death, especially now that ive lost a good few people to the b*****dWww@QuestionHome@Com

No since you're refering to depression as a recurrent state of mind rather than a stage in the grieving process which isn't recurrent until you suffer a loss in your family!. My advice is that you talk about this feelings with a friend or an specialist (if you can afford) who can provide the proper guidance in your situation!. Is better than pick up any piece of "comment" around here from whom is seeking 2 points!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No it doesn't!.

And you say you are not attached to life, but then why are you depressed!? I'd say precisely because you are attached to life, even more so than others and the things that happen in life or the way life is, is what makes you depressed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not at all
if ur nt intouch with life as u say so and ur so depressed!.
there are several ways to change the mood and find pleasure anywhere and anyhow!.!. its just u have to keep going and never give up !.!. have strong faith and hold on to it!.
No matter what, life goes on!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In a very morbid way, I agree!. :)

I also think sleep helps to deal with death as well!. They are like little training sessions you go through every night! ;)Www@QuestionHome@Com

i tottally agree with you, i think being sad after somebody dies is selfish because the dead person doesent feel any pain we just use it as an exuse to be sad!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, I don't think so!!Www@QuestionHome@Com