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Position:Home>Philosophy> What consists an emotion? Why do we feel? Can't we just exist unfeeling?

Question: What consists an emotion!? Why do we feel!? Can't we just exist unfeeling!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
"Just as the pleasure-pain mechanism of man’s body is an automatic indicator of his body’s welfare or injury, a barometer of its basic alternative, life or death—so the emotional mechanism of man’s consciousness is geared to perform the same function, as a barometer that registers the same alternative by means of two basic emotions: joy or suffering!.
"Man is born with an emotional mechanism, just as he is born with a cognitive mechanism; but, at birth, both are “tabula rasa!.” It is man’s cognitive faculty, his mind, that determines the content of both!. Man’s emotional mechanism is like an electronic computer, which his mind has to program—and the programming consists of the values his mind chooses!.
“The Objectivist Ethics,” The Virtue of Selfishness; Ayn Rand

We could try living like a "Star Trek Vulcan!." That would deny our belief in emotions as having any metaphysical value--which is essentially what Spock said it was!.

But the atheist who wrote those words believed greatly in the metaphysical value of emotions, and in the metaphysical value of the soul or spirit--and said so specifically dozens of times!.

Emotions are the psychological component of the biological "mechanisms of pleasure-pain!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

emotion is energy in motion!. It's our inner motivator!.
As yaoi above says, our motivation is determined by our thoughts!. When these thoughts are true, we experience joy!. When our thoughts are counter to the way life is, we find obstruction to joy!.

The spiritual side is that the Universe was created on truth!. If it were created on falsehood, it would not exist!. We can tap into truth by opening ourselves to the Creator!.

The body and brain are for sensing the physical universe!. Because we can find sites of cognitive and emotional function means those are sites necessary to function in the world!. But we are consciousness and can control the brain and body when we believe we can!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes we can exist unfeeling, its called being in a coma!.

Our feelings is what makes life, life!. You can't know what being happiness is without having unhappiness!. Unhappiness makes Happiness, its really the same thing!.

The beauty of existence and being human, is we get to experience these things called 'emotions'!. It depends on your mind state and your perspective on what you do with it!.

Emotions will lead some to kill themselves and will lead others to create great works of art!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

emotions, in my own definition, are things that makes us human!. Emotions can lead us to create and can lead us to act and can lead us to communicate with others!. And we feel these emotions because this is the trademarke of the human race ( with a few exceptions)!. And we can exist unfeeling but that will not make us human that would make us evil!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

emotion looks like an ego response to perception
something is perceived and then translated by thought into the ideas of 'good for me', 'bad for me', 'helps me', hurts me', 'is what i want', 'is not what i want', etc!.
the core of emotion seems to be an attachment to a particular outcome or preference to perception types!.

you want another to like and respect you!. they do not or you perceive that they don't appear to!. this perception is translated as 'this hurts me'!. the result is an emotion!.

what is it that they are supposed to be liking!? the appearance of your body!? the way that you represent the persona you have built!?

it looks like most emotion has more to do with not getting what 'you' want and less to do with any real feeling!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

because we are animals!. animals with intelligence that evolved from animals who had none!.

so, without knowledge, how can you know what to do!? how could you know not to walk off the cliff!? you can't because you don't know!. but evolution gave us the fear of heights!. emotions are mechanisms evolved to control beings!.

that's why they are so compelling!. but by virtue of our awareness and intelligence, we are capable of realizing we have emotions, and even more than that act in the opposite way they suggest!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There are three ways:
1!.Become dead!.
2!.Going in to coma state of mind where the perception will be totally lost!.
3!.By meditation changing the frequency of mind from normal level [IE!. !4 to 17 cycles / second (c/s)] to around 1 c/s and there by merging our bio magnetic wave in to the universal magnetic field there by reaching beyond the universe which is static state (Almighty / God) where the mind become cease to function but enjoy the Divine Bliss!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Emotions are connections to our primitive brain, and as such were essential to our survival when we were more primitive!. The basic structure is to set up two rival conditions, okay and not okay so that when the stressers were off, we would signal ok and shut down alot of extraneous functions, like adrenoline, and when the stressors returned to turn on those functions so we could escape the danger!.

Shutting down your emotions is called desensitizing!. This works really well for nazi soldiers and serial killers!. But those of us who want to have morals, get emotions (especially guilt,) as a bonus prize!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The mind body interface in the form of chemical communication!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

for us to be able to appreciate the grand things in life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com