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Question: Philosophy Help!?
I have a 1000 word essay to write and would like some input and some ideas from you guys!.

Background: Hegelian idealism sparked a revolution in philosophical thought!. Through Week Two’s assigned reading, you learned that Europe responded to Hegelian idealism through Continental philosophies such as existentialism and phenomenology!. In this assignment, you will describe how philosophy is a response to Hegelian idealism by analyzing the key contributors and principle issues of the time

Yes, I know this is for homework, but there's no need to pitch a fit and be rude to me, if you don't genuinely want to help me, please keep your unfriendly, negative comments to yourself!.

For all those who answer, thank you very much!. I am having alot of trouble with this class and appreciate any help!. Thanks again!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The parameter of "you will describe how philosophy is a response to Hegelian idealism" leaves no room to disagree that that is what philosophy "is!."

I don't believe it is!.

"!.!.!.it is Plato and Hegel, not Aristotle, who have been the philosophical ancestors of all totalitarian and welfare states, whether Bismarck’s, Lenin’s or Hitler’s!."
Review of J!.H!. Randall’s Aristotle,
The Objectivist Newsletter, May 1963, 19

"Later philosophers [Hegel] accepted Kant’s fundamental approach, but carried it a step further!.!.!.
"The first world movement thus to pluralize the Kantian position was Marxism, which propounded a social subjectivism in terms of competing economic classes!. On this issue, as on many others, the Nazis follow the Marxists, but substitute race for class!."
Leonard Peikoff, The Ominous Parallels, 63!.

"!.!.!.Hegel does not deny that knowledge can become a force or must become a force for social change!. It should be remembered here that Karl Marx as one of the Hegelians, has put a great emphasis on the necessary relationship between theory and practice and firmly believed that theory be prior to practice, for example in Das kapital he remarks!.!.!.

Your teacher's premise that "philosophy is a response to Hegelian idealism" is true IF AND ONLY IF you accept the following proposition:

"The present state of the world is not the proof of philosophy’s impotence, but the proof of philosophy’s power!. It is philosophy that has brought men to this [irrational] state [of mind, of politics, of ethics, of art, of cosmology, epistemology, and metaphysics]—it is only philosophy that can lead them out!."
“For the New Intellectual,” For the New Intellectual; Ayn Rand

I, for one, accept that proposition!. But to make the blanket statement that "philosophy is" a response to Hegel neglects all the philosophers who came before him, and who came after him and emphatically disagree with him!.Www@QuestionHome@Com