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Position:Home>Philosophy> "You Are What You Think"... Can you prove???

Question: "You Are What You Think"!.!.!. Can you prove!?!?!?
From my experience, I only can control my space, but outside people and space is not controllable!.

Can you tell me your experience!? Your thoughts!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
One is not what they think they are!. You can not think yourself into good actions, you must act yourself into good thinking!. You can not think you are a great basketball player and be one, you must take action and practice everyday to become one!. Good actions always lead to good thinking!. Think all you want but you will only obtain a headache!.!.!.!.thought without action is nothing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Are you sure you control your own space!? (Assuming you mean your inner space or mindscape!.)

How many thoughts come to mind unbidden!? How many times have you let self-doubts or angers sneak in and rob you of your happiness!?

Self-doubts are about fear of the future!. Anger is about resentments of the past (even the very recent past)!. We are what we think because in any moment what we are is defined and limited by what we are thinking and feeling about life and our place in the universe!.

Our identity and experiences are defined by our thoughts!.

That is until we reach an enlightened and awakened state of being!. Not many have attained that state!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

as you say, you can only control some aspects

but you are what you think as when you change your outlook on life, you can then change your life

and ive done it myself

you can NEVER control other people and their thoughts
but you can change how they affect you and to an extent treat you
and ive done that too

im fully aware my own mind and thoughts are what holds me back now
previously it was the problems at hand
they are long gone now
its how i am dealing with them thats left
my own mind, thoughts etc

if i would stop thinking the way i do
i may well achieve something i cant while thinking them

can i prove!?

you have to live it to prove it to yourself
taking other peoples word for things is NOT using your mid and thoughts adn wont help you

but all i can say is , change your mind frame and you will see and prove it for and to yourselfWww@QuestionHome@Com

thoughts are powerful!. If you think highly of yourself, you have confidence and are more happy!. If you think low of yourself, your usually unhappy and negative!.

= you are what you think!.

your absolutely right, you can only control your space, no one elsesWww@QuestionHome@Com

If you steal you are a thief, kill you are a killer!.

You are what you do, but you have to think it first!.

"We are what we think!. All that we are arises with our thoughts!. With our thoughts, we make the world!."
- Buddha

You can't control what happens to you, but you are 100% responsible for your reaction to it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

One time I was sitting in a bar and a woman came up to me and whispered something in my ear!. I turned to her and said "I think not" and poof! I was gone!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I experience my self in relation to others, I sometimes feel like an empath and react to the vibes I feel coming from other people!.Www@QuestionHome@Com